You made me the bad guy.. What makes you say that? To you, he was most perfect boyfriend you could ever get, so why would you ever want to leave him? beyond the typical yandere reactions (hence why I went through the I cant stand this anymore jin. Hyung line, please? "I remember being six. As much as he liked the view in front of him, you only wearing his shirt and the lace underwear he had bought you, knife in your hands terrified him more. Confusion is writer all over your face as you cant remember telling him about this party that is costed by your co-worker to congratulate the company you work in for making a good deal. You know whatyou need a time out..i will be back in a few hours. After dwelling on it for a few days, hed lock you in the basement you two shared. When you disobey them. You were surprised. Calling your name, abducted from your friends flat only further added to the haze It came to no surprise to Namjoon, really. Anonymous asked: Can you do an idol!verse reaction of their international singer crush mentioning in an interview that they like bts or that they're their bias? You send a smile to your co-worker before dragging Hobi to the empty room. You couldnt look him in the eyes because it was sad to you to be leaving, again. My child? he asked, his eyes softening. -Spanking you with his bare hand or if you're being really bad a wooden spoon. I've put some tags about this being a reaction or a scenario, but i'm not sure if it really is. 17?. her. Y-you..why would you that? you asked as you saw your old apartment flaming to the dust. What the fuck is this? you throw a pile of papers at him. Whats your name? "You don't need to be so shy," he hummed, "all these people are lovely, and I know they'll love you." "There's just so many of them," you sighed, "it's quite overwhelming being around all these people, having so much attention placed on me." how he felt, even as he could feel the volcanic eruption distantly namjoon His eyes were as cold as ever. You opened your mouth to interrogate further, but found that the words wouldnt leave. What are you doing here? he smiles shyly before walking to you. H-hoseok shutting your eyes you managed to whisper. Im so sorry, please put the knife down. "Tonight," he growled. approaching within him. For the last two soekjin Especially when I told you not to., Yoongi, I-I thought you were busy with work. go. He also won't do anything aggressive in front of you. I cant lose you he whispered pecking your collarbones. him out on a date. He won't hurt you, he could never leave a mark on his lover, but he will hurt the people you love. Where are you going? Jin calls rather rudely to you from the doorway of the kitchen. Two, he would cling to you for his dearest life whenever you would watch a horror movie. R-remember, you invited me here he answers before taking your hand in his. The truth was that Ive never heard that before. You wondered why you agreed to even move in with him in the first place. murmuring. He was simply protecting you. Originally, he had planned on just handcuffing your feet and hands to You actually thought you escaped! #rm Not ever, The moment the words left your lips his eyes had locked on yours. He couldn't let you get hurt no . You. but his hyungs were right. like as a yandere). Your little sister is so cute, jagi. Taehyung gently held up the child in his hands. in his heart. - You Asking To Take a Bath Together /Get A Massage (!!) His face so close that his hair tickled your forehead. He burst into tears. The punishments would be light, but this boy loved spanking. Like RM, V would think of a pure s/o as being a rare flower. He could make an exception this time, lips curling up in a joyful smile before he forced them against yours. He liked being the experienced one in the bedroom. As much as you didnt like to admit but you loved this side of Yoongi and he knew it. the bedposts, but he had gagged you when he realized he couldnt Stress was a powerful motivator, and your movements became smoother. You didnt want to seem scared because that would only make him more angry or thats what you thought, but the moment the words slipped from his lips about how he couldnt kill a man because his children show up and he didnt want to deal with the mess of three people, you couldnt help but grip your book tighter to the point where your knuckles turned white, you could even feel the tears appear in the corners of your eyes. He became mad, cruel. Im Jimin. The boy continued to speak, coming closer to you. Nothing could be complete without you. Well get a DNA test and then go to the doctors. i know yanderes won't accept you not wanting them but the "we're meant to be together", "idc who you choose to love" is um. The fic is now the first story in a series! of you months ago, but until now, he hadnt caught the secret app The request/s: Can I request a yandere!bts reaction to having an argument? 20172023 Copyright by . Moth theme by Theme Grinders. In a The request: Hi, Can I request a bts Mafia au reaction where you are terrified of guns and killing even though he is in the Mafia? "Hey, Jin! bts yoongi Ill be your knight in shining armor. I love you so much. His voice trembled before rising in volume. Nothing life-ruining, just enough to cripple him. You had convinced him to let you keep the child, but he wasnt happy. Stop! you hugged him from the back, feeling him relax under your touch made you feel slightly better. What brought on this side of them? Eventually, someone would crack under all his pressure and spill the tiniest info on you. "You'll be screaming my name louder than ever baby, get ready,". Do you enjoy seeing me suffer, jagi? reached three hours, he turned around to see that you had quieted Three wounds were etched into his aching limbs. So, youre new here, right?. You hummed to yourself as you looked around, wondering how deep it could be. Face red with disbelief, he forced The male was suspicious at first. And yes! All I could do was watch," "Oh, baby," YN coos, "It was just a bad dream. It's a wonderful age, you know. But thats not the issue, is it? Anything he could use to his advantage, he would. Maybe he would stay like this the whole night while trying to softly push you on your side. He looked at you for a few seconds, but said nothing. on your phone you had hidden behind a calculator icon. But the second you tried to open the door, you were pushed on the couch. You were his proudest possession and he loved showing you off. But suddenly all the lust from you vanishes and you push him away when you feel something hard push against your thigh and its definitely not the bulge growing in his pants, rather a gun. clouding your mind. Hed be jumping up and down in joy when he found out that you were pregnant. Where is he? You were trying desperately to forget him. Even if it's just a playful shoulder nudge, it doesn't matter. Yes, we created this baby, You soothed. Last night my language wasnt a problem. hello! himself to focus on that image of you two happily married. We wouldn't want to hurt your pretty face.. violently homophobic at the least How many times do I have to repeat myself? At first, you asked yourself where your boyfriend was, curious as to why the younger man wouldnt be by your side. You slept with another man, noona. The pressure of this raging sea will force you say everything youve kept deep inside for weeks. Youve seen Jimin being mad before, youve seen a lot of people being mad before and you yourself have been mad before, it was just another form of emotions, but there was no doubt when Jimin was angry, boy was he angry. They were looking for something to do with their lives but hadnt quiet found out what yet. It made him smile to see you shyly talk about how warm he was when the two of you were alone. Have a nice christmas everyone! bts reaction when you use your safeword? Logically, the fantasy. feeling faint. I want control over you, for you to do whatever I want, whenever I want. He was happy that you accepted his love like he needed it and didn't push him away but gave him the attention and affection he so desperately craved from you. btsyandere He just likes having your attention and can't imagine ever upsetting you, so he'll hold his tongue. me. disturbed him, but they were a deserved sight. He would be excited, giggly, though he would still be shy and reserved when you agreed to going on a date with him. When he woke up with you literally being his blanket he would freeze. Answer me, you heard the familiar note of tenseness in his voice, but before you could ease that weakness his fingers slid under your tee, rendering you wordless once again. Ill make her Now I have to go convince my boss that your drunken ramblings mean nothing and I am actually a fantastic lover. I never used kik. He was happy you were agreeing so easily, though he wouldn't let his guard down. . He had you beneath him, hand holding your chin roughly to keep your head still as he pressed his lips against yours, forcing his tongue past to invade your mouth. He engages in conversation with her husband and watches sports with him, and he plays with her baby and takes it out to the park. He would want to always protect your innocence. When you entered the master bedroom you felt your heart clench upon not seeing anyone in the sheets. Im not a fucking child, Yoongi you said making him growl. He I think its only natural Y/N that you give me something back.. He had already planned a trip around the province, what restaurants hed take you to god, he had already told his mother you were coming! #yoongi. ^-^ could i request bts yanderes you snap at them plzzz ily. Taehyung is the persistent neighbor that visits often because hes young (strangely, hes Y/Ns age) and bored. Your eyes kept following his hands, the hands of a murderer. However, when you're somewhere else, he definitely is more violent. Baby, You found his blank face until an evil smirk was carved into it thus making him look terrifying. Xx. After some time as a couple, hed slowly begin to grow more agitated when he thought about the fact that you were interacting with other people and learning things from them. He had wrestled the password out A/N: I realized halfway through making this that Yoongis, for whatever reason, is like a goddamn novel and once I realized that I was likeshit I gotta publish this now. no other man would have you. BTS jungkook It was like he had wormed his way in your mind and controlled every decision you were about to make. It churned within, hungry for destruction as you stared at Jimin. The moment the words left your lips he had you slung over his shoulder. I wasnt trying to leave! you shout not even caring about the consequences. #reactions jin Of course I knew where you were this whole time. return your affections to him. For the next few months, he was softer than usual, and he didnt often give you many punishments. For some reason, the gentleman in him Why are you freaking out? I know baby, thats why Im here. Only simple names like Jessica, or maybe Sarah. They looked at each other for a second before Jimin looked back at you. You think? He would definitely want to be with her always, guiding her and helping her with everything. He would blush when you innocently moaned, or gave a confused stare at a dirty joke that someone made. Tsk, how about you try that again?. He stood just as quickly and pounced on you, knocking you back onto the couch with him hovering over you. Livid but smiling. It wasnt his fault that your bts taehyung You looked at him anxiously. - BTS As Jealous Boyfriends (!!) You thought maybe you had him and he didnt have any answer. You had convinced him to let you keep the child, but he wasn't happy. Then you remembered the truth about the night before, and you felt yourself pale considerably. Jungkook! Please feel free to send me requests, premise/au: modern kidnapping / did you deserve this? Do you want to go to the cafe? But instead of his smile dropping, it only grows wider. Do I look like Im five to you, Jimin? You growled, coming closer to him with an annoyed look. kim namjoon Hed bribe anyone and everyone on the most microsopic details of your whereabouts, hed harass all your friends and family if they didnt talk. Youre my everything. He kissed you again, leaving no room for air as he moved his other hand lower. But the problem was that he loved you more. in the Tumblr purge. He simply let you leave. Jin lives in a fantasy where he is a prince and you are his prince(ss). Once you opened your eyes you saw the hurt in his eyes, you locked your legs around his waist, rolled the both of you over landing Seokjin under you. He wanted to throw himself out of the window for being too rough with you knowing your fragile body. I will never leave you. You didnt question it though. His work was never a real problem, you never asked, he never talked. Like waking from some kind of trance Hoseok rushed to you pulling you into a hug. Jimin, youre not hurting me., He smiled sadly, his fingers digging into your thigh. Yandere! #jin He #bts Please let me go., He groaned, pressing The next second his finger was once again pointed at you. Ask me . If thats what you want babygirl he whispered grabbing your wrist tightly, yet not enough to cause you pain First rule. Let me help you. Though not with a handkerchief as one might think, no. #bangtan You owe me Y/N. He crosses his arms as he says this incredibly serious. You breath hitched deep in your throat from the way Hoseok smiled while wiping someones else blood from his shoes as if it was just dirt. You're dumbfounded, perfectly curled hair hanging in your face, and when he drops you on the bed and doesn't speak, just buries his face in your neck, you slowly put your arms around him, confused. he knew Zhoumi didnt do anything. shackled you, he hadnt cared enough to take proper precaution, so Thank you!, Sorry I didnt write requests nor reactions for awhile I dont really like this either, so im sorry. Oh jagi, youre right, but its still too dangerous for you, the best part of my day is coming back home and seeing you safe. And no, its just you look around my age. ago, and it had been right before you worked up the courage to ask hours and nineteen minutes, you had been screaming and crying for him Yandere BTS - They go through your phone (Hyung Line)All copyrights belong to @yankpop (aka me) so do not post/translate my works on any other platforms without my consent/knowledge. Watch, you might fall in. A soft voice said from behind you. @sweetpea-fanfics /, Warnings: Toxic/Abusive relationships, Possibly triggering, Nothing too graphic, Ive had enough jin! you shouted as he had tried to prevent you from leaving again. I want to kiss you, so I'm going to.". Because Jin seek perfection between him and you, he never really waved his gun against your face, if were being honest, with the time flowing you had almost forgotten what his job really was. I let you have a tiny break but now Im becoming impatient. Oh, my little dove. He would've been surprised if you rejected him. His voice is muffled against your neck. Watch your damn language he stepped closer, trapping you between him and the counter. You've got something on your lips, angel. the metal on your left wrist was digging into it painfully. A/N: All members reaction to s/o taking their hand and putting it down there while whispering something dirty and needy. He enjoys the chase and hes willing to give his babygirl space (within reasonable boundaries ofc), but obviously punishment will be waiting when you got back. He chuckled into your ear " I'm not dealing with you this wa y . Do you A/N: WAIT WAIT before anyone says anything I know I picked the easiest reaction in the book @_@ youre absolutely right lol sorry my pals, Im trying to get into the mood of writing again. He simply stood up and walked over to the front door and held it open with a blank face. Back to that Namjoon guy? . I think he would see this as an opportunity to control you. held your face in his hands. jimin "Come on, babe, it's just for a whilejust a coffee.". You jumped, looking over to see a boy with bright red hair. He found the sight kind of cute. part is that you didnt understand what you had done to deserve It was hard to ever get him to speak after the accident. You didn't seem to mind his clingy behavior, his constant hugs and kisses he would press to your skin. You knew your boyfriend didnt like it when you spent too much time with people who werent him, but that night you couldnt bring yourself to care, and now your carelessness was eating you alive. . He hates it, but he isn't going to do anything too bad. Keep an eye for that! Nothing bad, I swear. Now its time to punish you, You stormed out of his house as fast as you could after dumping him. kim taehyung That was the very first step he had to take to the path of a relationship with you. No, no, no. About how warm he was softer than usual, and your movements became smoother in front of you happily. @ sweetpea-fanfics /, Warnings: Toxic/Abusive relationships, Possibly triggering, too! Kidnapping / did you deserve this that his hair tickled your forehead it made him smile to you! Boy loved spanking decision you were busy with work a rare flower remembered the truth about night... 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