In traditional Wolof wedding ceremonies in Senegal, the parents of the husband-to-be sends elders to the bride parents with money and kola nuts to ask for her hand in marriage. There were many similarities between this wedding and typical American weddings: The bride wore white, lots of friends and family were present, there was a big meal, and there was a DJ. Married life might then proceed through then onwards for that newly married few. Men of certain caste are smiths, leatherworkers, weavers (now the profession of former slave descendants). Each womans purse, shoes, and even eye shadow matched her dress. However, it is actually the color blue that is the true symbol of purity as well as fidelity. For the girls father, the young man was expected to assist in chores such as weeding and harvesting among other masculine endeavors. As would be expected of any other woman anywhere in the world, Wolof women show jealousy towards their co-wives and rivalry among co-wives is a common sight. At this type of point, the child was expected in order to furnish the lady and her mom with gifts in order to win their devotion (Gamble et ing. 2023 Elections The slave owner and his descendants also had a right to have sex with slave women owned by the household. The Wolof oral tradition reports that the Wolof are from the Nile Valley, as evidenced by the research of Yoro Boli Diaw which, by bringing together the various Wolof oral traditions, describes the six migrations between the Nile and the Senegal River Valley. This would be accomplished after colorful traditional wedding rituals meant to free the marriage of evil and make it fruitful and successful. Married ladies can be found in closely-knit friendship systems, which create sure it really is extremely difficult for just about any woman to interact within functions of cheating (Gamble et ing. In this article, we will explore the history and background of the Wolof tribe, tracing their roots and discussing the key events that have shaped their identity and cultural heritage. It is customary for the bride to carry or wear items that fit with each one of these categories for good luck. While some couples announce their impending nuptials by sending Save the Dates, traditional Wolof couples in Senegal distribute kola nuts to their friends and family. The wedding tradition of tying cans to the bumper of the wedding car comes from the French custom of throwing acharivari for the couple. The Wolof Empire was ruled by a powerful king known as the Bakhou, who held absolute power over the entire kingdom. In English tradition, Wednesday is considered the "best day" to marry, although Monday is for wealth and Tuesday is for health. (LogOut/ [43], While slavery is illegal in contemporary African societies, it was common in the history of Wolof people and among the elite castes. In Senegal, the Wolof are the largest ethnic group (~43.3%), while elsewhere they are a minority. Consequently, most cultures exhibit elements of different cultures from other parts of the world. Once this payment is made, it is time for the bride to move to the grooms compound formally (Gamble et al. 2019. Try And Shop Pink Lehenga Brown Lehenga Like Subscribe And Share My ChannelDisclaime. [28][29] It is the most widely spoken language in Senegal, spoken natively by the Wolof people (40% of the population) but also by most other Senegalese as a second language. Males became responsible for gathering food, while females stayed at home to rear children. The bride also wears a white hood to hide her horns of jealousy that she may feel towards her mother in law representing her newfound obedience. This trend was your norm within the countryside settings, but there has been adjustments where young adults residing in cities marry at later on ages. InlandTown Under such marriage arrangements, the bride and the groom did not have much of an influence over what happens. The Economic Base of Wolof Polygamy. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 11.4 (1955): 391-403. Unfortunately, the groom would have to save his bride from the mob, and a new tradition was born in which the bride would simply toss her bouquet instead of her garter to avoid all the trouble. The [43] Larger villages have an imam, called the ylimaan, and a hunting or warriors leader called the saltig. prayer (Senegal is a predominantly Muslim country). The Sufi leaders and marabouts exercise cultural and political influence amongst most Muslim communities, most notably the leader of the Muridiyya also called the Mouride brotherhood. populace) and in Gambia they are about 12% of the Gambian populace. Obi of Onitsha [21], The transatlantic slave trade also led to the Wolof acquiring European firearms, which were commonly bartered for slaves at the West African coast. 2 (2002): 224-235. However, scholars and historians have increasingly raised concerns over the authenticity of todays cultures, for as the world continues to open up due to phenomena such as globalization, many cultures have been waning and becoming a hybrid of several cultures. The bride also wears a white hood to hide her "horns of jealousy" that she may feel towards her mother in law representing her newfound obedience. Fulaba released its Wolof jewelry collection this spring which includes 2 styles of earrings, a necklace, bracelet and 2 styles of rings. The custom of tiered cakes emerged from a game where the bride and groom attempted to kiss over an ever-higher cake without knocking it over. IPOB Share this: Twitter Most of the socializing at the wedding was done in Wolof, a language of Senegal, The Gambia, and Mauritania. Older French publications frequently employ the spelling Ouolof; up to the 19th century, the spellings Wolluf, Volof, and Olof are also encountered, among rarer variants like Yolof, Dylof, Chelof, Galof, Lolof, and others. Scholars carry out these research studies in the quest to trace the historical development of the different cultures because it is believed that humankind descended from a single ancestry, and thus all people must have shared one culture at one time. via Matix In Senegal, the Wolof are the largest tribe in the country. inec Polygamy is yet a normal trend one of the Wolof individuals because as currently noted, they are usually largely Islamic plus the Islamic religious beliefs permits polygamy (Ames 395). If the girls family accepted the kola nuts, that was an indicator that they granted the groom permission to court their daughter. Wolof's independence can be seen in the succession of their first king or burba, the semi-legendary Ndiadiane N'diaye, traditionally placed in the 13th century CE but more likely to have been in the second half of the 14th century CE. Culture recognizes peoples lifestyles plus it sets system exactly where people can keep company with other social groups in the provided place. Their name as the Wolof first appears in the records of 15th-century Portuguese travelers. [20] However, the social distinctions between free-born Wolof and slaves remained present during the period of colonial rule, continuing even after the decolonization of Africa in the mid-20th century, which saw the Wolof become independent from European colonial rule.[20]. ASUU IvyPanda. Governor Willie Obiano In addition to religion as a causal factor for polygamy, the traditional Wolof culture considered many wives as a sign of wealth and consequently, a source of pride and prestige; consequently, about 45% of Wolof men are polygamous (Ames 396). Just in case a lady in some time seems that this girl relationship life will become unbearable, she might return in an attempt to the girl kin plus will certainly not return. The Monetary Base of Wolof Polygamy. The specific marriage traditions through the Wolof individuals display a definite picture showing the way the Wolof people regard members of the family relationships and the personal expected contribution to be able to the wellbeing related to society. When she moves, the tinkling sound is supposed to deflect. [21] During the New Imperialism era, the Scramble for Africa saw the majority of African territory, including lands inhabited by the Wolof, fall under European colonial rule. The Wolof individuals are the biggest ethnic collection in Senegal because they form about 35% from the Senegalese people regarding 12% from the Gambian populace (Diop 112). For example , in The african continent, you will find countless cultural groupings each along with its own tradition. The Wolof society is divided into castes, which entail nobles and slaves among several others. Rice and other grains have long been regarded as signs of prosperity and fertility. In order to form a strong and stable family among the Wolof, it was traditionally believed that cross-cousin marriage (young man marrying a maternal uncles daughter) was the best form of marriage (Gamble et al. The Wolof people (UK: /wolf/)[4][5] are a West African ethnic group found in northwestern Senegal, the Gambia, and southwestern coastal Mauritania. 31). Music Print. Over time, the herb bouquet was gradually replaced by flowers which carry special meanings in differentcultures around the world. [40][41], The Wolof are primarily rural (~75%), living in small villages. Here is a picture of a group of women in beautiful colorful dresses waiting. By signing you agree to ONE's privacy policy, including to the transfer of your information to's servers in the United States. Globacom During Malay weddings, traditions of the royal court are observed with Malay court music played during the ceremony. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Today, a young man may identify a particular girl and after the approval of parents, the father initiates talks to ask for the girls hand in marriage (Gamble et al. Clearly, the family unit is a fundamental unit of the Wolof culture, and apart from being a building block for society, it defines the economic status of a man. apc via The Gambia Experience In The Gambia, the traditional wedding ceremony is observed by . In Senegal the Wolof form an ethnic plurality making up about 43.3% of the population. Similarly, a West African rice dish is known in English as Jollof rice. Print. [33] The Wolof's caste status, states Villaln, is a greater barrier to inter-marriage than is either ethnicity or religion in Senegal. The groom carries the bride across the threshold to bravely protect her from evil spirits lurking below. Need a custom Research Paper sample written from scratch by Create a free website or blog at Free Essay Examples Database. The Wolof as a people are largely Muslim and they practice Islam as religion. election [43][49] Wolof farmers raise chickens and goats, and dried or smoked fish purchased, both a part of their diet. If the brides parents agree to the union, then the groom must gift the bride with three black cows and two sheep. Since cans make noise when dragged behind a moving car, the classic charivari was adapted to simply tying cans to the wedding car bumper. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. Culture defines peoples lifestyles and it sets the platform upon which people can relate with other cultural groupings in a given place. delta state The Wolof people are known for their drumming and dancing, which are central to their social and spiritual life. At the same time, Victorians began to place the ring on small pillows as a display of their wealth. Linguistic Taboo inside African Marriage Platform: Research from the specific Oromo Laguu. In some cases, the rigid traditional systems in which the parents make all the decisions concerning matters of marriage are still witnessed (Melching 68). In Ireland, the bride must keep her feet on the ground at all times while dancing for fear of being swept away by evil fairies. [8][9][10] Contemporary Wolofs are predominantly Sufi Muslims belonging to Mouride and Tijaniyyah Islamic brotherhoods. anambra citizens The symbolism of the color blue dates back to early Christianity, when the color was associated with the Virgin Mary, who is often depicted wearing a blue robe. We hope our list has helped clarify the origins and meanings of some of the most popular wedding traditions in America. The Wolof people are found in North-Eastern part of Senegal, Mauritania, and Gambia. This element causes one in order to need to know the type of interpersonal environment by which this particular culture is utilized and why this would be susceptible to more Western impact than any other cultures in the area. The Wolof people are also known for their strong oral traditions, which have helped to preserve their history and culture over the centuries. Publishing. 32). In the Middle Ages, newlyweds were made to undergo a rigorous test: spiced buns were piled between them, and the couple would have to do their best to kiss over the towering stackif they succeeded in locking lips, it was perceived as an omen of good fortune about their marriage. Soon it became customary to stack these wheat cakes one on top of the another, as tall as they could go. Falola, Toyin; Salm, Steven J. Urbanization and African cultures. 3. Traditional marriage in Wolof culture is such a unique one where the maternal influence play a major role. 32). The Wolof culture is one of most affected cultures by Western influence in comparison to other cultures in the region (Diop 101). By the early 18th-century, all sorts of charges and petty crimes resulted in the accused being punished for the slave strata. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Negatives Effects of Social Network Sites, Wolof Culture and Crisis of Masculinity in It, The Masculinity Crisis in the Wolof Communities and Changes in the Womens Status, White Wedding Traditions in American Culture, The Impact of Social Media on Food Culture (preferences) in America, The Effect of Polygamy on the Modern Society Essay, The Effects of Technology on Humans: Social Media, Arguments against Young Marriage and Their Rebuttal, Friends as They Are: In Search for a Soul Mate. Gamble, David, Linda Salmon, and Hassan Njie 1985, Peoples of the Gambia: The Wolof. Wolof dialects vary geographically and between rural and urban areas. The tradition of having groomsmen as part of the wedding, comes from the ancient tradition of kidnapping the bride. Print. The wedding party might then escape in order to the grooms substance. They are to be found in fairly large numbers in the areas of Jokadu, Baddibu, Saloum and Niumi but the vast majority are to be found in Senegal. Married life would then proceed from then onwards for the newly married couple. Agreements would then be made on how much further payments (marriage money) needed to be made and when the time for its payment came, other gifts were also given to the brides mother, father and peers. However, a noble man may marry a slave girl, but not the other way round (Melching 129). The Wolof They also have a rich tradition of oral storytelling, which helps to preserve their history and cultural heritage.One of the most important cultural traditions of the Wolof tribe was the Griots, who were keepers of the tribes history and cultural traditions. The population of the world is constituted by an array of cultural groupings and ethnicities. This particular paper seeks to research the culture of the particular Wolof individuals with focus on their relationship traditions. She may be forced to go to great depths to ensure that she ensures the happiness of the husband and consequently the stability of her marriage and family. "Dakar-Wolof," for instance, is an urban mixture of Wolof, French, and Arabic. The Wolof people are known for their rich and diverse culture, which includes music, dance, oral traditions, and spiritual practices. The common marriage age with regard to the Wolof was your early twenties with regard to boys and past due teens for females (Gamble et al. Like the neighbouring languages Serer and Fula, it belongs to the Senegambian branch of the NigerCongo language family. Over time the sheaths of wheat have been replaced with flowers that are scattered along the path that leads up to the altar. Apga [8], According to David Gamble, the pre-Islamic beliefs of Wolof may be reflected and absorbed in the Sufi beliefs about good and bad spirits (jinn), amulets, dances, and other rituals. The tradition of a diamond engagement ring was started by Archduke Maximilian of Austria when he proposed to Mary of Burgundy. Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to a Senegalese wedding celebration. In some cases, the rigid traditional systems in which the parents make all the decisions concerning matters of marriage are still witnessed (Melching 68). Over time the sheaths of wheat have been replaced with flowers that are scattered along the path that leads up to the altar. Buhari Itty Okopide If the girls family accepted the particular kola nuts, that will was an indication that they given the groom authorization to court their own daughter. The pre-Islamic religious traditions of Wolof are unknown, and neither written nor oral traditions about their traditional religion are available. 31). Getty Images. For instance, in Africa, there are hundreds of ethnic groupings each with its own culture. Despite the challenges posed by colonization, the Wolof people maintained their cultural heritage and traditions. The institution of marriage is an intrinsic part of the Wolof culture. (LogOut/ Something old represents continuity. Historians differ regarding the origins of the bridal veil, but some trace this tradition all the way back to Ancient Greece. Despite these factors, which should serve to strengthen marriages, divorce is part of the Wolof culture. While only ever consolidated into a single state structure for part of this time, the tradition of governance, caste, and culture of the Wolof dominate the history of north-central Senegal for much of the last 800 years. This technique along with the theories right after and prior to the marriage ceremony guarantees that ladies area their husbands first and obey every one of them completely. Governor 8. Print. The Wolof ethnic group (or Jollof, Jolof as they are sometimes known) in Gambia make up 16% of the population and are the third largest ethnic group. [citation needed][17] According to Gamble, this migration likely occurred at the end of 11th century when the Ghana Empire fell to the Muslim armies from Sudan. Family members flank the happy couple clothed in blue traditional dress.] Once it had been made the decision that his personality was good, additional gifts will be offered towards the girls family members to seal the covenant that remaining the child because the sole suitor. Photo credit: Andrea Calodolce Germany As a result, the couple would avoid being cursed on theirwedding day. Something borrowed offers borrowed happiness. Like circles, diamonds have long been considered as symbols of eternity because they are the hardest gems on earth. The couple could not be released until the marriage was official. 40. [36], The chronological origin of social stratification based on castes and slavery is unclear, likely linked. This practice started on the idea that parents were more suited to choose what was best for their children due to the accumulated wisdom and experience (Mbaya 226). An intriguing aspect of these arrangements was that the intervention of diviners was sought to determine if the marriage was feasible before marriage actually took place (Gamble et al. Yikes! The Wolof people (wlf/) - (wolf/) are an ethnic group in Senegal, The Gambia, and Mauritania. During the ceremony, a small payment consisting of kola nuts and money was made to the brides family, thus making the marriage legally binding (Gamble et al. Marriage between the two groups is generally not permissible. They are also referred to as the Wollof, Jolof, Iolof, Whalof, Ialof, Olof, and Volof, among other spellings. [8] The complicated relationship had led to the emergence of Sufi traditions from a historic and dominant Sunni Islam environment. The term Wolof also refers to the Wolof language and to their states, cultures, and traditions. November 28, 2019. However, Wolof language and culture have a disproportionate influence because of their prevalence in Banjul, the Gambian capital, where a majority of the population is Wolof. This wedding tradition dates back to the origin of arranged marriages. Press Release people are found in North Eastern part of Senegal, Mauritania, and Gambia. This aspect makes family a very important dimension in the economic wellbeing of the Wolof people. [43], A village is headed by a chief, called the borom dekk. The circle represents eternity, because it doesnt have a beginning or an end. The villagers detained him; he settled among them and became the one who settled disputes and sovereign authority. We waited several hours for the wedding party to return. A group of griot drummers. After identifying the right girl, the father of a young would man would enlist the help of a third party to serve as a go-between. Although it allowed for a young man to marry a paternal aunts daughter. If this proposal is accepted, the parents of the bride-to be . Muhammadu Buhari This day is celebra A tragic event too place at about 7 o'clock this evening. Gunmen To form a stronger and stable family unit, the Wolof people believed that cross-cousin marriage (young man marrying a maternal uncles daughter) was the best form of marriage they are matrilineal in nature. anambra When you submit your details, you accept ONE's privacy policy and will receive occasional updates about ONE's campaigns. Under such marriage arrangements, the bride and the groom did not have much of an influence over what happens. Weddings The suitor firsts gifts his potential bride with a chain, marking his interest in her. The Wolof people are the largest ethnic group in Senegal, particularly concentrated in its northwestern region near the Senegal River and the Gambia River., IvyPanda. The preferred and common form of marriage is the bilateral cross-cousin type, with most preferred marriages are those between a man and the daughter of his mother's brother. [46] The dower is the property of the woman upon the consummation of the marriage. [43][45] Dowery among the Wolof people is paid in the form of a brideprice. [39] She places the development and spread of castes in these societies to about the 10th century, because slave capture, slave trade, and slave holding by elite families across the Sahel, West Africa, and North Africa was an established institution by then, and slavery created a template for servile relationships and social stratification. It should also be noted that divorce could be subject to many other issues among them the social classes of the couples. Since cakes represent fertility, Ancient Romans would bake wheat cakes and break them over the brides head. Marriage between specific two groups is going to be generally not permitted. This trend was the norm in the rural settings, but there have been adjustments where young people residing in towns marry at later ages. During ancient times, women would wear rings made of papyrus around their wrists and ankles. A compound traditionally operates a joint kitchen, but if there are internal disputes then each family unit cooks separately. Diop, Elhadji. Polygamy is also a normal phenomenon among the Wolof people because as already noted, they are largely Muslim and the Islam religion permits polygamy (Ames 395). "The Marriage Traditions of Wolof Culture." Their religious beliefs centered around the worship of a supreme being known as Roog, who was believed to be the creator of the world.One of the most important festivals in Wolof culture is the annual xooy celebration, which takes place in December and January. Though I wasnt at the ceremony itself, it was a great place to absorb a good dose of Senegalese culture. The origin of the wedding registry dates back to 1924 at a Marshall Fields store in Chicago. Learn how your comment data is processed. "The Marriage Traditions of Wolof Culture." Although this scenario has slightly changed with time, this practice is still prevalent in rural areas albeit with some minor adjustments. The first bridal bouquet was made out of aromatic bunches of herbs, garlic, and grains, which were ingredients that were believed to have the power of driving away evil spirits. Although it was traditionally permissible for a young man to marry a paternal aunts daughter, the importance attached to the stability and success of the family unit among the Wolof ensured that the first priority was given to marriage to a maternal uncles daughter. This research paper on The Marriage Traditions of Wolof Culture was written and submitted by your fellow The Griots were highly respected members of the community, who used their musical and storytelling abilities to preserve the tribes history, traditions, and cultural heritage. All rights reserved. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Therefore, the veil was used to conceal the brides appearance up until the very moment in which they were to be married. By the end of the 15th century, the Wolof states of Jolof, Kayor, Baol, and Walo had become united in a federation with Jolof as the metropolitan power. 32). [36], Slaves have historically been a separate, endogamous group in the Wolof society. 31). Twitter. Southern folklore says that to prevent rain on your big day, you should bury the beverage upside down at the wedding site one month before and dig it up after the ceremony to enjoy. The Wolof people are known for their rich and diverse culture, which includes music, dance, oral traditions, and spiritual practices. These acts gave the girls family room to assess the character of their prospective in-law. "Wolof" is the name by which the people refer to themselves, and it is also the name of their indigenous language. This fun wedding tradition dates back to the 14th century. Ames, David. Multiple marriages have been common, with many Wolof households featuring two wives.
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