If we read the preceding verses, we see that this occurs after God had just given Moses instructions as to what to say to Pharaoh. This is a little easier to explain the word feet is a euphemism for Moses genitals. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Jesus changed the law with a single word: love.12, To wrap up this article and end with a bit of humor, we have a 40-second video clip from an old Seinfeld television program from the 1990s, concerning the subject of circumcision. Zipporah said to Moses A bloody husband you are to me, because of the circumcision. One may wonder why God would come to Moses to kill him before he was circumcised, but I think its a safe assumption that the Lord had told him to be circumcised but he refused. 2:16-22). And he went, and met him in the . Although it may seem outwardly there was nothing wrong, to God nothing is hidden! A typical child would not stay still for a scary procedure such as circumcision. In Exodus 2 Moses marries Zipporah, a Gentile, who gives birth to Gershom. What did the Egyptians make the children of Israel serve with? Moses told God that he wasnt eloquent with his speech, which aggravated God. It is like, as if Moses was forgetting something or he was being bullheaded by not complying with something important. To dishonor that sign and seal of the covenant was criminal in any Hebrew, peculiarly so in one destined to be the leader and deliverer of the Hebrews; and he seems to have felt his sickness as a merited chastisement for his sinful omission. On the way, at a place where they spent the night, the LORD met him and tried to kill him. 1. Her story reminds us that flesh and blood have always been faithful reminders of Gods covenant promises. We can also safely conclude that Zipporah opposed the circumcision of her son. 2023 KJV Today - King James Version Bible. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Every time we gather for communion, her words should be told alongside Mosess, Yes, Jesus, you are a Bridegroom of blood.. Being he was a humble man, I dont believe Moses meant to defy God on his own, but perhaps it was his wife Zipporah that refused to do it. the Lord met him, and sought to kill himthat is, he was either overwhelmed with mental distress or overtaken by a sudden and dangerous malady. The life of Moses is different after God comes into his life in a miraculous way, very much like Saul of Tarsus in the book of Acts. A bloody husband - Literally, "a husband of blood," or "bloods." "Son of God" or "Son of the gods" in Daniel 3:25? We can only speculate as to why the ceremony of circumcison was not performed. You shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you. Because of his kindness, Jethro tells his daughters to invite him for the meal. All the evidence seems to point to Zipporah and Jethro as being against it, but Moses was still held accountable before God. The church is married to a bridegroom of blood. It is mentioned in Genesis, chapter 17, when God repeats his covenant of solidarity with Abraham and his descendants and explains his demands. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. (b) Maimon. Please be aware that, although the majority of posts found on this website are for general audiences, there may be certain controversial, mature, or adult content. morter, brick, and all manner of service in the field. Zipporah meets Moses at the well. If he was going to Egypt to free his people, his identification with Egypt had to die. You can see our basic rules for comments by clicking The Fine Print on the top menu bar. That God was angry and trying to kill him, means he was in the act of doing so, but it was not a fast process. Her first reaction was to circumcise her son without being told to do so. Our study is to give some sense to this short mysterious section of text and present a few possible reasons for its inclusion, so you can make up your mind about which seems the most logical answer. A bloody husband. God said to Abraham, As for you, you shall keep my covenant, you and your offspring after you throughout their generations. Moses said, "I have been a stranger in a strange land." Zipporah called Moses a bloody husband out of disgust. Did Moses write the first five books of the Old Testament? It was then she said, A bridegroom of blood by circumcision.. When we read the passage in the King James Bible we get the correct understanding of the passage. Answer: While the Bible does not state all of reasons God used to justify wanting to kill Moses, we can take what information is available and derive a fairly good explanation. HaShem found Zipporah most acceptable as Moses wife, she was a loving woman that chose to save her husband's life to include the lives of the masses when Moses failed to circumcise one of his sons. After doing the needful for her son like that, she owned Moses. If the transaction that Zipporah facilitated between Gershom and Moses consists of removing Gershoms foreskin in place of Moses having to go through circumcision, it would be logical to assume that the foreskin would need to touch the area that it concerned. A new section begins from verse 25. Zipporah's actions give us a clue. Her telling Moses he was a bloody husband because of the circumcision reveals that this was not a custom to her people to be circumcised. Your email address will NOT be published. Zipporah's actions give us a clue. Note: Page 209 of the source. A euphemism is an inoffensive expression which is substituted for one that is considered offensive,6 and it is a common technique used in the Hebrew language. Leave comments at the end, after References & Notes. She recently ended a 12-year tenure as lead pastor at Maple Avenue Ministries in Holland, Michigan. Moses went to Jethro, his father in law, and asked him to let him go so he could go to his brothers in Egypt. Through Zipporahs quick-thinking actions, she evoked the covenant by demonstration so Moses would remember his roots. Are you a part of Gods chosen people? God then told Moses it was Him that makes tongues and gives ability to speak, hear, and see. Why on the 8th day? (, Hermann, Ray, A Letter from an Atheist about the 12 Commandments! (. OBS respects your privacy and is compliant with the European Union GDPR regulation. Whats more, God had just revealed himself to Moses and demonstrated great power in and through him. Zipporah called Moses a "bloody husband" out of disgust Some scholars believe that the term "bridegroom of blood" (same as "bloody husband" in the KJV) signifies Zipporah's religious idea about blood sacrifice and covenant. And Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and threw it at his feet, and said, "Surely a bloody husband you are to me." Ask Anything. The story of Moses being born to a Hebrew, hidden from the Pharaohs men until he was three months old, placed in a homemade basket on the Nile River, and found and raised by Pharaohs daughter is one of the most famous tales from the Old Testament. Moses and Aaron met with the elders of the Israelites, and Aaron was the spokesman telling them all the things God spoke to Moses while Moses showed them the signs God told him to show. In fact, they might even be aware that he was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt in the episode called the Exodus. What problem would this solve? Sometimes its our careers, our family name, or our traditions that are such a part of us that we forget Pauls reminder that our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20), and our identity is hidden in Christ. Moses becomes her "bridegroom," her newly-acquired husband, because they both were culturally new persons. However, Zipporah is shown as fiercely devoted to her husband, even though he neglects her. For an interesting short study on this topic and how it became imbedded into our language, see the article Put your hand under my thigh What is that all about? which is listed in References & Notes at the end of this article.9. We are first introduced to Zipporah in Exodus 2:16, as a shepherdess, one of Jethros seven daughters. Aaron met Moses at Mount Horeb, which is also a range in Sinai, the mountain of the Lord, and Moses told him all the things the Lord had told him to say and do. Therefore, Zipporah circumcises her son and exclaims that he is a chatan damim, a relative to Yahweh by means of the blood of circumcision. So, she had this encounter with the Lord just as what Jacob did before he met Esau again. She greatly disliked this rite but executed it in a successful attempt to spare Moses' life. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. And Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and threw it at his feet, and said, "Surely a bloody husband you are to me." So He let him go. Some parents who have taken their children to the dentist or vaccination will understand. So he let him go: So, God let Moses go; God did not take his life.] The Egyptians made the lives of the children of Israel bitter with hard bondage in what three things? Grier graduated from Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she received a BA in psychology. Rev. By the way, the phrase of the title "a bloody husband art thou to me" is how the King James Version renders what the NIV here gives as "you are a bridegroom of blood to me." Some background to the story. Yes, yes. Takedown request | View complete answer on jewishrhody.com Wha. We can prove that by tracing their lineages in scripture. Perhaps He may have thought the act was not that important and therefore did not do it. God told Moses in time that he will take water from the Nile and pour it on dry land, and the water and the river will become like blood. The Exodus passage also refers to the term, bridegroom of blood, in many translations. Romance, Passionate Love, Sexual Pleasures: What Does the Bible Say?. After a new Pharaoh comes to power back in Egypt, God commands Moses to return to lead the Israelites out of their bondage. This is the marriage pattern of Horite Hebrew rulers. Why his feet? Note: Page 603 of the source. rigour. Source: The New International Encyclopdia, Volume 11 (Dodd, Mead) 1911 A.D. His wife worried more about him then he worried about himself. During the patriarchal period, oaths were taken by placing a hand under the reproductive organ, but generally recorded in the Bible as thigh instead of testicles, penis, or genitals. With the prowess of The Lion Kings Mufasa to his son, Simba, Zipporahs actions roar, Remember who you are. You, Moses, are of the bloodline of Abraham. After functioning as a social worker for many years, she went on to become the first African American female to graduate from Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan, with both the master of divinity and doctorate of ministry degrees. This has to be the bloodiest scene in the book of Exodus since the massacre of Hebrew male children in chapter 1. Because Moses had chosen to side with the oppressed (the Hebrew slaves) rather than the oppressors (the ruling Egyptians). Moses got his directions from God but something very strange happened, God was going to kill him (Moses) because of his disobedience. Zipporah regarded the bloody rites of her husbands religion as cruel and barbarous, and cast the foreskin of her son at his feet, as though he were a Moloch requiring a bloody offering. If under the age of 13, or the age of majority in your country, you may use this website only with the consent of a parent or guardian. People are asking the wrong questions because they are reading the passage incorrectly in faulty translations. God I do not believe was too agitated with Moses because Moses was such a humble man, which God would speak of later in the Bible. And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that The Lord met hi. Circumcision was only one of the hundreds of laws that God demanded be obeyed. He may have been squeamish about performing such a delicate but bloody act a second time after doing so once. Shulchan Aruch, par. What is clear from the Bible is that Zipporah understood the threat to her husband. The second article makes a different claim that does not have to do with the idea of protection at all. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". "Moses had been as good as taken from her by the deadly attack which had been made upon him. (LogOut/ (e) "tetigitque pedes ejus", V. L. (f) T. Hieros. As we reflect on Zipporahs witness, let us consider this: The Hebrew word for remember invites us to focus on a thing until it leads us to repentance. 21 The LORD said to Moses, When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have given you the power to do. By performing the rite, Zipporah had recovered her husband; his life was purchased for her by the blood of her child. In verses 25 and 26, Zipporah calls Moses a bloody husband because of his strange and bloody procedure of circumcision. Her story reminds us that flesh and blood have always been faithful reminders of God's covenant promises. Egypt had caused Moses to forget his rootshis identityas a descendant of Abraham. When a man has his hands full with what God wants him to do, he certainly doesnt need a wife who is a hindrance and an obstacle to him! ', 24 At a lodging place on the way, the LORD met Moses and was about to kill him. The underlined words above are words that were supplied by the NIV translators. But Zipporah took a flint and cut off her sons foreskin, and touched Moses feet with it, and said, Truly you are a bridegroom of blood to me! So he let him alone. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. I still wonder who warned Zipporah. Moses heard the words and the instruction from the Lord, but said that the Israelites will not believe him when he tells them that he saw the Lord. Zipporah casts the foreskin at Moses feet and calls him a bloody husband simply because she is disgusted by the bloody procedure of circumcision. Just trying to dcide which book is my first to purchase. Source Ahavta. Most would probably agree that Moses grew up to be a great leader. Moses had been in the household of Pharaoh in Egypt since infancy. In gratitude, the father urged them to go back and bring the kind Egyptian Moses to their village, and soon after, Zipporah would become Mosess wife. As Moses and his family arrive back in Egypt he meets up with the Lord who seeks to kill him. The meaning is: The marriage bond between us is now sealed by blood. These scholars are thinking too hard. Lastly, one final question that I asked as I read the passage was what the situation symbolizes in relation to the entire text. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. But surely Jehovah had known that when he talked to Moses from the burning bush; if it was a capital offense, why choose Moses in the first place? Why did Zipporah circumcise her son rather than letting Moses do it? In order to understand this scene, some background information is in order. See References & Notes for the link.14, Copyright 2021, Dr. Ray Hermann He also could have easily justified to himself not carrying it out knowing his wife, a non-Israelite, would have been displeased with him performing it a second time. Exodus 4:24-26, 24. The Text of Torah tells us this. Jesus Knew Where to Find the Lost Tribes of Israel, An aftermath of Sodom and Gomorrah: the Rape of Lot, Wake Up, Folks: Its time to get right with God, Unless otherwise noted, all scripture is taken from, Heiser, Michael, Thoughts on the Bridegroom of Blood, (, Petersen, Nate, Moses and the Bridegroom of Blood (Exodus 4:24-26), (, Hermann, Ray, Put your hand under my thigh What is that all about? (, Hermann, Ray Circumcision in the Bible: What was it really all about? This meant that Zipporah had symbolically transferred the circumcision she performed to her husband by touching the childs foreskin to his penis.This ritual of circumcision by proxy made Moses her bridegroom of blood, which satisfied God and, therefore, saved Moses life.7, Euphemisms are used all throughout the Old Testament. Moreover, the failure to be circumcised is punishable by exclusion from the Abrahamic covenant, not death (Genesis 17:14). 26 So he let him go: then she said , A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision. After the resurrection, Jesus invited Thomas to touch him in the bloody parts, his hand and his side. [17] The story just changes subjects mid text, but we can logically assume that Moses had violated the circumcision command (Leviticus 12:3). Orange Is The New Black Season 8 Renewed Or Cancelled? Before delving in to the scholars theories, it is important to remember that due to the fact that Moses was being hidden as a baby and raised as an Egyptian, he was probably not circumcised. Zipporahs word choice could have a double meaning in which she told Moses that he was protected by her bold action and that she finally had a legitimate husband due to the circumcision. that might not be part of it. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Zipporah only appears three times in Scripture: the first time at the well (Exodus 2), the second time while on the journey to Egypt (Exodus 4), and finally in the wilderness when Moses met her father Jethro who was accompanied by Zipporah and her sons (Exodus 18). - John 8:45-47. She is a longtime student of the Word who brings dynamic and prophetic insights to her preaching, teaching, and pastoral life. sect. The original Hebrew only has pronouns such as he and him in those places. Punishment for failing to be circumcised falls upon the child, not the father (Genesis 17:14). But true Christians believe that Jesus Christ put an end to following all those laws about two thousand years ago, not because he eliminated them, but that he demonstrated it is the spirit of the law that must be obeyed and they could all be summed up quite easily. This leads to another point that perhaps the word foot is euphemistic for Moses genitals. But I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go. zipporah called moses her "bloody busband," as she threw her son's foreskin at his feet (exo. The elders believed, and when they heard that God had heard of their afflictions and their cries, they bowed their heads and worshipped Him. Zipporah had borne two sons to Moses, but he had failed to perform circumcision on his sons. Another example is when Abraham said to his servant, Put your hand under my thigh and I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I live. But why did Zipporah say that Moses is a "bridegroom [or husband] of blood"? (http://www.egrc.net/articles/Rock/Exodus/BrideGroomOfBlood.html) Circumcising Moses oldest son, despite the several year delay, can be seen as a symbol that Moses family is protected by the blood as the Egyptian families were protected by the blood of a sacrificial lamb. He has self-published three books, Common Thoughts on The Word in 2016 and Eye of a Needle in 2017 and Common Thoughts on The Word II in 2019. Moses was a murderer to Egyptians. here, moses is an analogy of christ, who is our "bloody husband."; i'm not sure what the foreskin represents. She, no doubt, witnessed the hesitation of Moses to act and decided to take matters into her own hands. _______________________________________________. Is Psalm 12:7 a promise that God would preserve his words? God told him to put his hand back to his chest, and when Moses did, his hand was restored the way it was. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. After God brought His people out of Egypt through the leadership of Moses, Jethro reunites Moses and his family in Exodus 18:5-6. The last we hear of Zipporah is shortly after the Exodus. John 1:1 Does this Bible verse prove Jesus is God? Brother of Goliath or Goliath in 2 Samuel 21:19? Moses left Egypt and ended up in Midian. Interestingly, the modern English terms testify and testimony originated from this use. Zipporahs story should always be told alongside Mosess, for without her, he would surely have died before returning to Egypt, still unclear about his true identity. at least, not anymore. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. How did circumcision avert God's wrath? Yet, we know Moses, his wife, and their son . Every Israelite wife and mother would have, thus, been reminded of the covenant between God and Israel, through the circumcision of her sons.4, Because Moses may not have been properly circumcised (by Hebrew custom) before marriage, Zipporah may have achieved two things by circumcising her son. The protagonist speaks to Moses and Zipporah feels that her family is being threatened and does what she can to save her husband and/or her children. God was able to write Moses or LORD if he wanted to. In an act which seems to indicate Zipporahs displeasure (in some Bible versions), she circumcises her son and touches Moses with the removed foreskin. 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