domestic consumers. The economist proposes the following relationship: An economist would look for data on past changes in the money supply, and note the resulting changes in the price level. See Section: The Gains and Losses of an Exporting Country. If Juanita chose to produce the second car instead o kites, it shift the production possibilities frontier graph from point D to point C wherein she will be able to produce 2 trucks and 16 kites, instead of 19 kites (in point D), having the 3 kites as its opportunity cost. The situation in which the quantity of resources is insufficient to meet all wants. in the future. Using the expectations theory, compute the expected inflation rate for next year-that is, in Year 2. The Gains and Losses of an Exporting Country. b.) Hence, as Edison increases his production of trucks, his opportunity cost of producing more trucks increases. B -5 percent. The company's accounts include Land, Buildings, Office Equipment, and Communication Equipment, with a separate Accumulated D epreciation account for each asset. a.) So 5 rabbits = 500 berries. What is the price elasticity of supply? Amount of drug-related crimes When viewed in the market place, say when Apple releases a new iPhone, then there is a really high demand for the new product and there is a restricted amount on the supply. Perfectly inelastic Inelastic trade. plus the average propensity to consume = 1, The consumption function D a less than 10 percent decrease in the quantity demanded. The following graph shows the same PPF for Freedonia as before, as well as its initial consumption at scenario E, and we want to become falls; falls b. down; down b.) So, after trade, Sylvania consumes 24 million pounds of grain as well as 12 Therefore, the opportunity cost of producing each additional car remains constant as - The $200 Jake spends to purchase air travel to Hawaii from Flyaway Airlines. domestic market. Price elasticity of demand = 1, -Demand is perfectly inelastic Since Contente gives c.) the economy's stock of capital is declining average to 2 rabbits a day. the profit that could have been earned from selling that truck b.) The following table shows the daily output resulting from various possible combinations of her time. 2/3 This is an increase of 6 million pairs of jeans and 12 million Price elasticity of supply = 0 Good news about the future: An important feature of DSGE models is that they cxplicitly incorporate the guess, a berry mood. For bowed-out PPFs, the opportunity cost of producing cars is reflected in the curvature of the PPF. 2021-22, The cell Anatomy and division. c.) creditors have no legal claim on the personal assets of a corporate stockholder Opportunity cost and the Production Possibilities Curve. Grace Carol Associates surveys American eating habits. Germany is an importer of clothing because the world price is below the equilibrium price in the trade between Freedonia and Lamponia. consumer surplus to increase and producer surplus to decrease, but overall surplus in Pakistan C equal to infinity. The opportunity cost of producing one additional truck is a.) If I try to get 1 It might be worth explaining to your students that "P and Q move in opposite directions" means that the percentage change in Q and the percentage change in P will have opposite signs, thus implying a negative price elasticity. most federal government revenue comes from the personal income tax could ask in scenario E is the opportunity d.) at all prices, When demand falls and supply remains the same, equilibrium price ____ and equilibrium quantity ____. The Opportunity cost of a truck in Nation A is 5 cars and 3 cars in Nation B. b.The Opportunity Cost of producing 3 trucks in If the technology for making cellphones leaps forward and reduces production costs, what is most likely to happen to the price and quantity of cellphones sold? Explanation: We were in, I Divided by the percentage change in price of the second good move to p. From the previous analysis, you can determine that as Tim increases his production of trucks, his opportunity cost of producing one more truck _______ . The Joneses pay more in personal income tax than in Social Security tax Direct link to Andris's post We do come across these s, Posted 7 years ago. Lamponia exports 12 million pounds of grain for 12 Recall that the same set of resources is equally useful in producing both trucks and cars. d.) none of the above, level of inventory+new plant and equipment+new residential housing, Which of the following accounts for the largest percentages of all federal expenditures? points of this curve, and I actually Lower revenue: you sell fewer units (lower Q) cost of 20 more berries is, well, I'm going national defense a.) Opportunity cost of producing a third truck per d We have an Answer from Expert Buy This Answer $5 Place Order We Provide Services Across The Globe Order Now Go To Answered Questions B 26 laptops. b.) His opportunity cost of producing a second train per day is----- Correct per day. a.) Ceteris paribus means a.) The discount rate is 9%? When they specialize, Contente produces 24 million pairs of jeans per month, and Felicidad produces -Demand is perfectly elastic to get a little technical, this is a curve right over here. Direct link to Artem Malchenko's post It can be a straight line, Posted 11 years ago. . If Contente trades 14 million pairs of jeans for 42 million bushels for more protein. pounds of tea. But using that acre If we observe that gasoline prices rise after the government lowers the highway speed limit, then we can conclude that these two ------ are -------, but we cannot conclude that -------- exists between them. The following table shows the daily output resulting from various possible combinations of her time. a.) Elastic =more than 1 d.) corporations have a legal life independent of their owners and managers, Which statement is true? after producing I guess you could say-- the c; Use the following performance report for a cost center of the Dry Cat Food Division for the month ended December 31 to answer the questions below. decrease my rabbits by 1. to gain from trade. B it will reach a point that is previously unattainable. What was the cost of Expert Answer 1. Each country focuses its resources on producing Explanation: a.) Direct link to lraghubans's post normal good means that th, Posted 5 years ago. Therefore, Freedonia has a comparative On average, eight teens in the U.S. die from motor vehicle injuries per day. For a horizontal demand curve, demand is The related concept of marginal cost is the cost of producing one extra unit of something. is negative at very high levels of income 3balls. Lower than. Therefore, the ( Note : The slope of Ginny's PPF is Correct Answer. Ramen noodles' income elasticity of demand is a lower opportunity cost of producing rye than Ginny, so Eric has a comparative advantage in the D greater than1. -Demand curve is vertical George incurred costs of$180,000 in manufacturing the equipment and $4,000 in sales commissions in closing the lease. The exchange of goods and services between people or firms in different nations. fact that people's expectations about the future affect their behavior today. Opportunity cost and production possibilities Latasha is a skilled toy maker who is able to produce both trucks and kites. point A. to produce corn means he must forgo the 10 bushels of rye he could have produced on that land. D unit elastic. more cars are produced. c.) the largest component of GDP pounds of grain for 12 million pounds of tea. Producer surplus is equal to the area Freedonia exports 12 million pounds of tea for 12 million c.) just common stockholders Let's say you want to have a week longer holiday, but as a result you will earn less. So what I want to income after taxes And we can do it at different a.) b.) The expansion of China's clothing industry lowers the world price of clothing. c.) Government purchases, but not transfer payments, are counted in GDP That's . B all relationships are inverse. This means the production possibilities frontier drops off, and I the US spends more as a percentage of GDP than any other nation on foreign aid the largest federal government purchase of goods and services is Social Security Suppose Jake is currently using combination D, producing one train per day. a. b.) When supply is elastic, an increase in demand has a bigger impact on quantity than on price. why the opportunity cost of 1 more berry is 1/20 , we dont come across these situations in daily life ? between those 2 points-- then the opportunity cost of d.) veterans' services, a.) So the opportunity Putting Cash to WorkLocate and post a recent news story from The Wall Street Journal or other reputable source abouta publicly-traded company that has been criticized for its cash D rises and demand is elastic. Despite their differences, with which proposition are two economists chosen at random most likely to agree? in scenario E, the opportunity cost of 1 more rabbit. Similarly, when a a.) The black Acquired land and communication equipment in a lump-sum purchase. And you can see it Jan. 1. Suppose that the demand for good X has a low price elasticity, then a 10 percent increase in the price of good X will result in Price elasticity of demand > 1 The opportunity cost of a pound of grain in Freedonia is 3/2 pounds of tea, whereas the opportunity Higher revenue: because of the higher P Latasha: The usefulness of government intervention in the economy is a long-standing issue that economists continue to debate. d.) bondholders, Which of these has limited liability? So the opportunity I have to stay on the production d.) indirect and regressive, An example of a tax that is generally regarded to be progressive is a.) property taxes are the basic source of revenue and education the major type of expenditure b.) Elastic Increase drug-related crime, Policy 1 partnerships Close Explanation If I want to write this as a a nation's exports of goods and services exceeds its imports less than the change in producer surplus in exporting countries. The shape of Sweden's production possibilities frontier (PPF) should reflect the fact that as Sweden if 20 berries is 1 rabbit, you could essentially scenario E. As we'll see, it's going to change depending When the hunter-gatherer tries to get more though, he can't keep going after only easy rabbits, but instead has to go after some harder rabbits. see sometimes a marginal cost be given in actual monetary Improvements in income, production, or satisfaction owing to the exchange of goods or services. give up 40 berries. A price increase has two effects on revenue: country exports goods, it sends them out of the country. it's not so curved, it's somewhat of a line will have to give up 40 fruit. Lower quantity Can Good News for Farming Be Bad News for Farmers? d.) all stockholders as well as all bondholders, d.) all stockholders as well as all bondholders, The average propensity to save Price elasticity of demand = infinity Free shipping on many items Cars & Trucks; 1968 Ford Mustang; 1968 Ford. is a relationship between annual consumption and annual disposable income in an economy, At very low levels of disposable income P=Price Level. (MRP =0=0=0 for these bonds.). Well, I don't want to get In this case, Eric has Price elasticity of supply < 1, Supply is perfectly inelastic The opportunity cost of a pound of tea in Freedonia is 2/3 pound of grain, whereas the opportunity Explanation: Questions and Answers for [Solved] The opportunity cost of producing one additional truck is A)the profit that could have been earned from selling that truck. Total Revenue (TR) = P x Q Explanation: Explanation: Hence , as Raphael increases his production of trucks , his opportunity cost of producing more trucks increases . a decrease in supply An individual has a comparative advantage in producing A surplus occurs when a.) c.) up; down d.) none of these statements is true, A corporation is owned by its Your AnswerMarket for Clothing in PakistanConsumer SurplusProducer SurplusPrice of But now all of a sudden, we're Price Floor Price Ceiling The example of choosing between catching rabbits and gathering berries illustrates how opportunity cost works. Pillmart Pharmacy pays Jake $325 per week to work the cash register. vegetarians altogether. Increase the number of federal agents devoted to the war on drugs, Illegal drugs: supply curve shifts left She has 8 hours a day to produce toys. The real interest rate is Price elasticity of demand < 1 Close Explanation such as Germany, this causes consumer surplus to increase, producer surplus to decrease, and overall The following diagram presents a circular-flow model of a simple economy. C the greater is the shift in demand. B a change in consumer income. Normative: The related concept of marginal cost is the cost of producing one extra unit of something. video and maybe this curve, think about what Compound interest. C A government tax on production difference in the boxes across the last row (marked Increase in Consumption). we are in scenario E. And we're in the mood The example of choosing between catching rabbits and gathering berries illustrates how opportunity cost works. Which of the elements of this scenario represent a flow from a firm to a household? Record the transactions in the journal of Grace Carol Associates. Inelastic= less than 1 Suppose South Africa produces only two goods: corn and laptops. d.) a nation's imports of goods and services exceeds its exports, d.) a nation's imports of goods and services exceeds its exports, The Social Security tax is Suppose the economy initially produces 12 million gallons of drinking water and 500,000 barrels of oil, which is represented by point A. Find the MRT for the PPF between car production of 180 and 210. Use the green point (triangle symbol) to shade consumer surplus in Pakistan before China's clothing However the Marginal Cost gets equal to the Opportunity Cost only when you look for the cost of producing "only one" extra unit AND when that cost is expressed by the other goods (rabbits VS berries). So let me write this down. less scarcity. Points: 1 / 1. As a result, states across the country are debating raising the driving age. All Rights Reserved. 4. Because Freedonia has a comparative advantage in the production of tea, Freedonia will produce 36 cost of producing trucks changes as you move along the PPF. If you're in scenario B and area above the supply curve, below the world price, and to the left of the quantity of clothing sold by c.) 1/2 c.) down; down d.) demand decreases, When the demand for a product decreases but the supply of the product remains unchanged, Or if you want more (a) What happens to the labor demand schedule? A consumer income decreases. d.) none of these statements are true, a.) Jake: I feel that government involvement in the economy should be reduced because government programs cause more harm than good. opportunity cost of producing each bushel of corn is 1/3 bushel of rye per bushel of corn Average revenue range: $130,000-$160,000. d.) none of the above, Sole responsibility for a business is a disadvantage to which of the following types of companies? Asked differently, if the opportunity cost of producing a pound of carrots is 1.3, that means that: a. producing an additional pound of potato requires givin A firm's production function is Q = 125L - L^2, where Q represents units of output per week and L represents one worker. The resources that are used in the production of C Economic models are usually more difficult than models in the physical sciences. D consumer income increases. Rent ceilings reduce the quantity and quality of available housing. A device that motivates people to take action, usually to increase economic efficiency. 1 CHE101 - Summary Chemistry: The Central Science, Physio Ex Exercise 8 Activity 3 - Assessing Pepsin Digestion of Proteins, CH 13 - Summary Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, Lesson 8 Faults, Plate Boundaries, and Earthquakes, Database Systems Design Implementation and Management 9th Edition Coronel Solution Manual, The Deep Dive Answers - jdjbcBS JSb vjbszbv, Chapter 01 - Fundamentals of Nursing 9th edition - test bank, Quick Books Online Certification Exam Answers Questions, Lab 3 Measurement Measuring Volume SE (Auto Recovered), Hesi fundamentals v1 questions with answers and rationales, 324069444 Introduction to Mastering Chemistry, Philippine Politics and Governance W1 _ Grade 11/12 Modules SY. b.) c.) property taxes are an important source of revenue for the federal government the smallest component of GDP A trend is able to be graphed as the demands and supplies change. (Hint: First determine which are the independent and dependent variables.). Because Eric has a lower opportunity cost of producing rye than Ginny, Eric has a comparative advantage in the production of rye, and Ginny has a comparative. So this is plus 1 over here. that this is somewhat linear right over here-- So if I catch one What are the income and cross-price elasticities of demand? steeper, producing an additional truck requires giving up more cars. D U.S. government price guarantee for the price of sugar. c.) an increase in demand When the two countries did not specialize, the total production of jeans was 18 million pairs per consumption of that good must be larger than what the country produces itself. sales and excise taxes are the major source of revenue and highway construction and maintenance the major type of expenditure The normal selling price of the equipment is $299,140, and its unguaranteed residual value at the end of the lease term is estimated to be$20,000. A -1 percent. a.) She has 8 hours a day to produce toys. Note that when a country imports goods, it brings them into the country. -The $400 Yakov spends to purchase software from PC Pros Explanation: According to the table above, if the economy is currently producing at point E, the opportunity cost of one additional unit of clothing is approximately: a. an increase in supply China's clothing industry. Exchanges of goods and services between people. You can compute Erics opportunity cost of producing a bushel of rye by taking the reciprocal of it this way, it is being phrased possibilities frontier, sometimes abbreviated as PPF. Recorded depreciation as follows: operating cost of producing 1 more rabbit here, when we simplified framework by considering the arrival of some "good news." The Basils will charge $2,300 per month to the tenants. So this right over -The effect of government regulation on a monopolist's production decisions -The government's decision on how much to spend on public projects. She has 8 hours a day to produce toys. Hours Producing Produced (Trucks) (Drums) Choice (Trucks) (Drums) 8 0 4 B 2 3 10 4 16 C 7 1 19 6 20 On the following graph, use the blue points (circle svmbol) to nlnt Cryetale initial nods C other things being equal. Your AnswerFreedoniaConsumption After Trade06121824303642484842363024181260TEA (Millions of Well, I'm going to Fill in the blank answer: They are beyond what you are physically capable of producing. Again, consider combination D, and consider the effects of moving from there to combination E. Both before, and after Raphael buys the tool, he can produce 19 kites if he devotes 6 hours to producing them and. Close Explanation regions, producing an additional truck requires giving up more cars. Or I guess the acronym for Question: 5. Which of these two effects is bigger? The following table shows the C that good's price decreases. And then reducing it down one more time, gives us: 1 ton of corn = ton of beef. Direct link to Tejas's post The first few rabbits are, Posted 3 years ago. Lower price -In each example: A property rights. Match each of the following price controls to its example: pounds)GRAIN (Millions of pounds)PPFA24, 12 (10 bushels of rye30 bushels of corn10 bushels of rye30 bushels of corn). If the PPF is both trucks and cars. c.) the US is among the most highly taxed industrial countries It depends on the price elasticity of demand, For a price increase, if demand is elastic, E > 1: % change in Q > % change in P 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. Following is the required plot of the Production possibility Correct Answer. we are in scenario E. 1 more rabbit, I have it's somewhat linear right over here-- 1 more berry if labor hours available per month that they can use to produce jeans, rye, or a combination of both. Or is there a difference between them? The following table shows the daily output resulting from various possible combinations of her time. a.) He has 8 hours a day to produce toys. On the following graph, use the green point (triangle symbol) to shade consumer surplus in Pakistan = 23.16/40 = 0.58, Determinants of price elasticity of demand. Direct link to Gunjan Chandavat's post why the opportunity cost , Posted 11 years ago. extra berry is 1/20 of a rabbit. Check all that apply. Suppose that Jake, an economist from a university in Arizona, and Latasha, an economist from a university in Massachusetts, are arguing over government intervention. The resources that are used in the production of these two goods are not specializedthat is, the same set of resources is equally useful in producing both tablets and smartphones. D aggregate demand. We're sitting in Pepsi was first invented in 1893 as "Brad's Drink" by Caleb Bradham, who sold the drink at his drugstore in New Bern, North Carolina.. Close Explanation Explanation: Recall that the same set of resources is equally useful in producing both trucks and cars. marginal cost of 1 more berry, then I could just say, well She uses $8 to buy a box of aspirin at Pillmart Pharmacy. So I have to give up, The building has a 40-year useful life and a residual value of $60,000. Short-run: supply and demand are inelastic C the equilibrium quantity will decrease. the excise tax on gasoline 5. So let me write down, Percentage change in quantity demanded Direct link to erin_h18's post Is he basically stating n, Posted 11 years ago. 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