Please include the following citation on all copies: k2 3@O!QQFl-z 750)qhhGGG(C+: 56G 0000004132 00000 n Parents got their shopping done while their kids were with trusted adults and we got students in to work on needed math and reading skills. other professional staff and form them into an educationally effective faculty. Leading the Learning: A Field Guide for Supervision and Evaluation. phases of implementation. features a title and a statement that succinctly defines the work of effective The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders provide guideposts that will help school leaders make a difference every day in the learning and well being of students. Incorporate PSEL Standards 7 and 10 into your reflection and describe how you will apply what you have learned to your future professional practice. 0000051691 00000 n b. The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders 2015 are organized around the The PSEL are model professional standards that communicate expectations to practitioners, supporting institutions, professional associations, policy makers and the public about the work, qualities and values of effective educational leaders. 0000011282 00000 n How do to plan spending for the new school year with limited information? Implement coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment that trailer <<2F5D5D5E5B2F4828812917237CE7215C>]/Prev 533483/XRefStm 2639>> startxref 0 %%EOF 970 0 obj <>stream Regular and scheduled goal reviews should become part of the school culture at every level. School Counselor Preparation Program Standards, 5. Standard 9- Operations and Management National Policy Board for Educational Administration (2015). HdS0}6`|(RQ+ (0,0om#m]]]z:kKb!UhQPJ+$DelT -SLg~.~wvS-,[8 l+7"G"F*p 2F((#wDdq}n];?e*(0elx+VT0&U;BFFKQ1?DI-!%!_:V*'1P;v4OUQ4hHIoCXN. 0000050008 00000 n After all, why bother to collect data that illuminates learning gaps, if we arent going to use it to close those gaps? experimentation and innovation, and initiating and implementing improvement. Develop and manage productive relationships with the central office and school We must always strive to continuously improve our school for the benefit of our students. pursuant to the mission, vision, and core values of the school. Seek to make school more effective for each student, teachers and staff, Central High School, a diverse and dynamic community, strives to prepare students to be life-, long learners and responsible global citizens., We have a student body of just over 1,800, stemming from a variety of backgrounds including English Language Learners, students who. 4.Barriers to student learning are identified, clarified, and addressed. Visited the classrooms of novice teachers and given them feedback that lets them know what they are doing well? Professional Educator Standards Board Assoc. Develop technically appropriate systems of data collection, management, hXmOH+vU!PZt@`MH6}3B!\Udufvfyv8 BJ2R(EJ4Z(0p[4J#8AiEJ* As I learned from Bobbis mentoring, the struggle can build resilience. hbbd``b`w@D $ /@ _ . Todays educational leaders must have a strong moral purpose if they are to truly carry out their duties with conviction. Manage governance processes and internal and external politics toward achieving indicate contribute to students academic success and well-being. hb```,@(Hllj|C[Cj*KAs)fsngupVRL+!&]a7oF;20p,\uLm 8n\'MQiRk{FK=kD[X""6)@my5Ii-i and opportunities for the school, and changing needs and situations of students. 2214 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22301 0000048872 00000 n Builds capacity of members of the school and community to use relevant data, develop and What do you do when teachers dont teach? It allows candidates to apply wh Each Standard 0000050641 00000 n 1.Curriculum decisions are based on research, expertise of teachers, and the recommendations of learned societies. A curriculum that is rigorous and relevant helps students connect. Access at KY Colleges and Universities, KY Assoc. well-being. A series of elements follow, which Alexandria, VA: Just ASK Publications and Professional Development, 2005. January2017. The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach. deficit-based schooling, and low expectations associated with race, class, ETHICSand PROFESSIONALNORMS: Effective educational leaders act ethically and 2007 Standards 2015 Standards Standard 1: Vision and Mission An education leader promotes the success of every student by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by all stakeholders. and resources to promote each students academic success and well-being. In particular these 6 requirements impact the development of SPA standards. 0000046098 00000 n The information in this section can help you discover high-quality materials and assist you in planning professional learning for both individuals and groups. MEANINGFUL ENGAGEMENT of FAMILIES and COMMUNITY: Effective educational leaders Phone: 703-535-5434 Fax: 703-535-8502, document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Just ASK Publications & Professional Development. There are many reasons for and ways to examine school performance data. The internship (EDA 690 and EDA 690L) is the culminating experience for the School Building and the School District Leader certification programs. 0000042285 00000 n PSEL Standard 2. It does not imply relative importance of a particular Standard. engage families and the community in meaningful, reciprocal, and mutually PSEL has expanded from six ISLLC standards to ten, but the standards themselves are laser-focused on students at the center and they embody whole-child language and sentiments. 0000041487 00000 n k4,/"4{qTF2A,*P B Ka^KTRaa2ECJ*aL`Za,\@t8G'Foi>g|?0z_Ba8h0^7D#mOGbwzx#PrQEYvQEsy^^>~j+$",mx^tAHt;:o$Zhm;o.VsnQMvb+R&EED-d#/v6mjm:K7iLu,fL] xJn4J&lFzV6eTnv&: 0000023721 00000 n individual and organizational learning and improvement. 0000041907 00000 n 0000051067 00000 n 0000045683 00000 n 0000023587 00000 n I completed three activities that focused on improving our school during my internship. Rutherford, Paula. He led an extraordinary life and was a true example of love, integrity, and kindness . The Standards are foundational to all levels of educational leadership but apply particularly to principals and assistant principals. 273 0 obj <> endobj (Texas), We are committed to providing a world-class education by fostering an environment where students are challenged through rigorous coursework that will prepare them for college or career and empower each student to reach his or her highest potential. responsibility, equity, social justice, community, and diversity. learning collaboratively with faculty and staff. Met with the new teachers and given them support in areas where they need improvement? She taught me that to always have (or pretend to have) the answer didnt help teachers find their own answers or grow. They also, focus on research based strategies to use for improvement. 0000003890 00000 n expectations for student learning, align with academic standards, and are about how principals can support new teachers as we move into the second semester. imperative for improvement, instilling mutual commitment and accountability, and 0000046483 00000 n S/he keeps abreast of new ideas and understandings in the field. Oliver, Bruce. 0000008019 00000 n 0000013562 00000 n In conversation with teachers, we began to hypothesize possible causes. Just ASK Publications & Professional Development Professional Standards for Educational Leaders Todd Davis Office of Educator Licensure and Effectiveness Division of Educator Preparation and Certification 300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5846 ext: 4537 Fax (502) 564-4007 relevant research best practice guides and models technical assistance I loved to watch my physical education coach teach coordinates in her gym. I believe we are all goal driven and can nurture our growth mindset when we are deliberate. PSEL has 10 standards and 85 elements. well-being. Once the data is uploaded and, analyzed, I can focus on improving areas of opportunity. I soon found variations of these in classrooms used for helping students work in groups. 0000050311 00000 n We relied heavily on elective/specials teachers to provide reading and math support, intervention, enrichment with small groups of students. Understanding what equity is and is not is a useful starting point. 0000003685 00000 n 0000010844 00000 n San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2011. For several years now, we have made it a practice to write our personal goals down and share them with each other and ask for feedback. I will use my more than 25 years of experience as a teacher, principal, director, consultant, and mother to frame my remarks and advice. Know, comply with, and help the school community understand local, state, and 0000052981 00000 n The assessment is aligned with the national Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL). Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy. The rubric provides a common language and clear expectations of a highly effective, effective, developing, and ineffective . development of each child and on instructional and organizational practices that State versions of released tests used as practice tests aligned to standards can be really helpful here. Standard 5, for example, is entitled Community of Care and Support for Students and every standard introductory statement ends with the phrase to promote each student . In November of 2015 the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) were approved by the NPBEA. Use assessment data appropriately and within technical limitations to monitor Its important that leaders understand their priorities and support teachers and students in what can be a stressful time. 0000001557 00000 n opportunities, academic and social support, and other resources necessary for c51^;^R "=NE. Develop teachers and staff members professional knowledge, skills, and The purpose of the rubric is to inform professional learning experiences for principals that will elevate their professional practice by identifying areas of promise and opportunities for growth within in each standard. This means that we not only had to compress, but we also have to be very judicious about where concepts appear. among leaders faculty and staff to promote professional capacity and the Standard ten of the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) focuses on school improvement. We would carefully review and revise them to make sure that teachers had sufficient time to teach the tested standards so that all students had opportunity to master what they would see on spring tests. We established three basic guidelines from which we identified observable behaviors and we agreed to call each other out when we violated one. Employ valid assessments that are consistent with knowledge of child learning Did we help make a difference for our students? that align with the 10 PSEL standards (vertical section headings on far left of table). Create and sustain a school environment in which each student is known, accepted National Policy Board for Education Administration. feedback, and collective learning. 0000004235 00000 n 0000006525 00000 n Making PSEL Come Alive!. Professional Practices. In addition to collaborative goal setting, I am also a believer in self reflection as a way to help set goals and drive improvement strategies. A Resource for Equitable Classroom Practices. 0000009651 00000 n 0000051908 00000 n The Standards recognize the central importance of human relationships not only in leadership work but also in teaching and student learning. Original Contribution 1.JPG . \@I=\At')010Lii`KXq} S D g0&0:1:2t4:&``x b` j /f nf`` Q 2. It is fast-paced, content rich, and focused. families and the community for the benefit of students. 0000002736 00000 n xref 1 pages. 0000049254 00000 n Assess and develop the capacity of staff to assess the value and applicability 0000003968 00000 n 0000050424 00000 n Start the process early in the year. Host a spring break camp to pre-load important vocabulary, extend reading and math skills, or support science labs. Accessing the PSEL Leadership Reflection and Growth Tool Infant and Early Childhood Education Standards. 0000072277 00000 n 0000004361 00000 n School Level Administrators in grades P-12 shall be able to meet the expectations set by the following content-specific competencies. This activity took, three hours and I was able to work with leaders in our school to develop plans to improve areas, Summary of Activity #1: NAF Academy Assessment, Each year, as the Academy Director, I complete the annual Academy Assessment for our, Academy of Finance Pathway. PSEL Standard 3. I think that if students have mastered the content standards and have had frequent experiences with testing protocols and have experienced formative assessments along the way that mirror the high stakes test; they have confidence and skill to perform well. Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) Mission, Vision, and Core Values Ethics and Professional Norms Equity and Cultural Responsiveness Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Community of Care and Support for Students Professional Capacity of School Personnel Professional Community for Teachers and Staff students academic success and well-being. 0000044968 00000 n How can we reallocate staff to support the learners and refine teacher practice when we note disparity among students, classrooms or subjects? the school. The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and The National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA) guided the two-year development process. 1. Provide moral direction for the school and promote ethical and professional STANDARD 1. 0000042363 00000 n PSEL Standards--each chapter aligns with the 2015 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders. Reproduced with permission of Just ASK Publications & Professional Development (Just ASK). Given them my most important resource, my personal time? By working collaboratively as a team that includes teachers, parents, staff and administrators, we best prepare our students to be independent thinkers, lifelong learners and responsible citizens who will be active and compassionate participants in our society. Safeguard and promote the values of democracy, individual freedom and Countdowns and rallies to high stakes testing Example: Both the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders and the Leadership Competences address the idea that leaders should be knowledgeable about assessment and its use for monitoring student progress and providing actionable feedback. Take a look at this document and consider using it at your school. Thousand Oaks,CA: Corwin Press, 2003. New York, NY: Basic Books, 2011. In their rationale for the 2015 standards, the PSEL authors note that: The profession of educational leadership has developed significantly. the academic success and well-being of each student. 0000005905 00000 n Some examples are: What do you do when it is budget season and you dont even have your new data yet! To ensure that we touch on all of the important issues, we cannot have all concepts show up everywhere. The data is disaggregated by building and then building administrators work to form an action plan to address the needs of their building. 0000019715 00000 n 2.Student learning is assessed using a variety of techniques. In thinking about the application of this diagram to the work of an educational leader, I propose four Theories of Action for Equity of Opportunity. Standard #5 An educational leader promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner. Theyre designed to ensure that educational leaders are ready to meet challenges of the job today and in the future as education, schools and society continue to transform. How can we make a positive difference for all learnersourselves, our teachers, and our students? and support intellectually rigorous and coherent systems of curriculum, reflect on PSEL standard 8; reflecting on PSEL standard 7; 0000020161 00000 n school and classroom improvement. Offer a June extension for students in K-2 to solidify learned skills and prevent the summer slide from happening.
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