Next day we went for swimming, something happened and I have lost him forever. Because the mirror doubles and bounces all sorts of energy, it disrupts the tranquility needed in a bedroom for better sleep. On the other hand, a mirror when placed at a wrong location can bring bad luck and affect the quality of life. When my ex and I remodeled a house, I thought I wanted mirrored closet doors to reflect light in the basement bedroom. In a research experiment published by the Royal Society Publishing, researchers created a 'virtual reality box' where a mirror is placed vertically on a table and reflected the subject's limbsay a hand. -Victor. I just moved my bed facing the mirror and the sleep is just the same. Mirrors reflect light rays such that the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence. I have done my fair share of staring in the mirror and im damned proud of what i can do with my body thanks to mirrors. It could be the food we eat right before bed, our irregular sleep schedule, and other bedroom feng shui that affects sleep. My opinion is based on what we know from todays scientific research and findings. Thanks for sharing your experience with us! Of course I checked it out and nothing..My parents were on vacation in Vegas at the time. I have four mirrors in my room and one right outside the bathroom. -Victor. a room divider? Some also believe that demons could escape through the mirror into the living world. Likewise, many people feel quite uncomfortable having a mirror situated so that they can see themselves when they're in bed. Published: January 5, 2013. Not long after that, he started slinking around and our 20 yr marriage was over. There are so many people practice astral traveling its not even funny, who knows who is watching you when you sleep, I do t think Santa is the only one. Good article. For apartments, the mirror is usually on the sliding door of the closet. Thanks for sharing your experience! The Blue Baby Urban Legend Image source: To execute this legend, you need to go into the bathroom, close the door and shut off the lights. It just weirds you out, which I think is what really affects your sense of comfort and security when youre getting ready to sleep. Blue-sky eyes blue--like Mrs. Forrest's blue blouse eyes morning-glory-blue-eyes. CAT PAWING AT MIRRORS AND GLASS. But what if you could see who your future soul mate actually was? Its similar to the many stories thats prevalent in societies where paranormal activity is widely accepted. Ive definitely had some experience. 151 views, 6 likes, 8 loves, 22 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Miller Memorial Baptist Church: Sunday, February 26, 2023~ Reverend Damaris Y Walker, Esq., Pastor ~ Scripture: Song of. Test and see whether you experience any improvements or not. Mirrors arent just for reflecting lights and images. With its trapezoid, sporty-looking shape, and a touchscreen to help you utilize all the features, this model has the bang-for-buck ratio quite high. What I found was that you may have trouble falling asleep, and here are the reasons why. This puts to rest the questions I had growing up as a teen. These objects range from TV to the glass covers for your picture frames. However, the paranormal activity continued. I could go on..but anyway, I used to love mirrors and now Im much more cautious about bringing them into my home especially any pre-owned ones. of cars behind you when driving at night. Another reason being that mirrors have the potential to hold bad spirits. Do you have a mirror facing your bed? One thing we clearly know is that ancient Chinese and todays Feng Shui Experts advise against a mirror facing the bed. Uncommon feeling or happening occur when mirror placed at the bottom of the bed facing where the foot lies towards the head..There is a high chance that may experience unlikely entities or spirits that wont let you sleep , (touching, whispering, and such strange scariest or pure sense or feeling) purified existence of beings..ive been experienced it not so scary ..but true. If youre not experiencing any issues listed in this article, then I wouldnt worry much if I were you. Doorways, windows, mirrors, shiny mirror like surfaces (like pools of water) and certain symbols, are actually demonic gateways. And no matter what you do All my friends make fun of you Look in the mirror All is Haywire D2 & Bluj Maybe you're right Maybe I should end my life Maybe I'll do it tonight Look in the mirror, when I'm expecting light But all I see is my knife Maybe You're probably remembering the quote slightly wrong. Or keep it in a closed room, behind closed doors. Also dreams Got even more vivid as if Im in another dimension, walking in the dark in my neighborhood. It is said that if the married couple looks into a mirror shortly after they say I do, they are uniting their souls. Thanks for sharing this it really helped me to understand a lot of things, which were going on lately. At least now you know better. When youre looking at your reflection the spirit world is supposed to take all of your troubles to their side. Lots ofbedrooms the U.S.have a mirror facing the bed. If you want to see your future husband, youre going to need 4 things: a mirror, a lit candle, an apple, and a knife. Apparently, it didnt work. Its been 4 long years. Then open your windows and doors and clean your home and sweep everything out, mentally. Next I took a cloth and tried to buff away the soap residue off the mirror. It doesnt necessarily have to be a mirror, any highly reflective object will do. Say the middle portion of the bed.. is that problematic ? So if you have a mirror right next to you when you sleep, you will notice any movement from the mirrors reflection. If you have a Quija board in your house, and if you feel like you cant sleep at night, destroy the Quija board, get rid of it completely. It just didnt feel right. Interesting read Ive always been fascinated by mirrors Thanks for posting! Some may even say that she escapes from the mirror and comes after you. How about just removing the mirror instead of breaking it? Hi Judy, Im not sure about mirrors opening portals, but the story does sound creepy and paranormal. While looking into a mirror after being married brings good fortune; gifting a mirror to newlyweds isnt quite the same. A cavern opened in my mind, black, full of rumor, suggestion, of half-heard, half . I wake up more refreshed less tired. Me and my boyfriend were reading your article a day before he passed away by drowning in swimming pool, such a tragic and unexpected incident!! Id love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! This quote has aged well although we rarely get it right. They were having paranormal phenomena in the house including objects flying off walls and shelves and breaking, hearing voices, seeing things, orbs, shadows. Based on my personal experience, I would never question this age old piece of Feng Shui advice: DO NOT place a mirror in front of your bed. My experienced with mirror facing the bed, is that i dont have good relationship with my roomates, the mirror was facing me and everything seems not normal to me. I moved my tv to face my bed more and my insomnia got worse. Are they black or white shadows? This can be especially detrimental to your sleep quality, because it is known that sound as faint as whispers have the ability to affect our sleep quality. If you sleep with a mirror facing your bed, you may want to reconsider. Then one day it dawned on the woman that the bedroom was a particularly strong source of that unusual activity. If you haven't, please do not try it out. Hello. doc pi, you sure sound like one narcissistic a-hole. Thanks for sharing your story, Troy! The screen continuously streams rear view so that you can clearly see what's behind. Simply put, dont over-react. In Samoa, they cover their mirrors at night time. please guide what can i do to make life more happy in marriage. Some experts say that a mirror reflecting the bed brings nightmares. One day I will break it and pretend that i dont know why it was broken since it gives me a bad luck. I wondered what Joey's mother would say when she saw the sheets. It makes you immediately aware of where you are resisting and where you are open and flowing. I somehow stumbled on your writing due to the interest what influence mirrors have on people and I really can acknowledge that it does. -Victor. If you are looking for an overall good mirror dash cam, this TOGRUARD model might just be the one for you. please suggest some remeady if something is wrong there. Dont go playing with fate though. On the complete opposite wall of this door and of the wall in the loft is a sliding glass door, however, this mirror would not reflect anything from that sliding glass door since its in a 2nd floor. Increased infidelity? Based on my experience, this also depends on the person. Term. Heres what other people experienced. I KNEW this was my chance. 13. Normally, you observe yourselves countless times in a mirror or a selfie camera. Your eyes are embedded with motion detectors. During the day I'm fine looking in the mirror; I do it all the time. 1. By the way nice article! My question is with regards to placement of this mirror which suspends from a door. If the reflection appeared distorted and ghastly, it was an ill omen; if fresh and healthy, it was favorable. If anything, it's an excellent lesson in why attempting to play a ritual . I created a balanced bedroom 0 mirrors and removed all what feels uncomfortable. Ive now taken my stand alone mirror back down stairs. DO use large mirrors in tiny rooms. The automatic dimming feature of the interior. Asian cultures believe that gifting a new couple mirror on their wedding day will bring bad luck. From the moment we moved into the hotel I became a completely different person. The very bed, in its sweet disorder, testified to vileness. And her lips were redder than the reddest of lips. Theres no double this that bullshit. For those that get scared by it, please know that it is not some supernatural phenomenon. To your point, I would add that people should stay away from the Ouija boards thats been used, or other symbols thats been used for some ritual. So fascinated by just learning this about mirrors. you yet encounter any so dont speak too soon. The shattered pieces of glass represent how many years the couple will have together. I just hope my soul wasnt stolen from this mirror, and that it dont happen again. One day, my worldly self put a mirror in her bedroom. Just to give you an insite of the lay out. Perhaps this explains the reason why there are so many products and advertisements that promise to improve sleep quality. I told my bf about your story. This folklore ritual claims that if you light a candle in a dimly lit room and chant Bloody Mary 3x into a mirror, you will see a woman dripping with blood in the reflection. So when youre sleeping on your bed and seeing your own reflection, you may feel something when anything seems to be touching you. A. If your son doesnt have any sleep issues, then hes ok. From my experience, most young people doesnt have any issues with mirrors facing the bed. Spiritual energy needs to be heightened 8. Your email address will not be published. To look deep in yourself 5. It is believed that this can lead a third party to private relationships. Trust me, I know. But she didnt know what to do about it. Thats the easiest solution. Here are just seven reasons you shouldn't look in a mirror every day. -Victor, Today I was cleanin out my room n I had a lil stand up mirror Nd I didnt wnna hang it up on my door yet cuz it was late at night yfm so I had set it against the wall at the end of my bed I didnt kno or think anythin of it I went to sleep around 3 am I couldnt sleep all night but once I fell asleep I had the worst nightmare of in my life ..Im only 13 btw I had a dream tht the devil was possessing me in my dream n hurting my ribs and sides from the inside and drugged everybody I tried to tell so there was no way I could get help n every night he possessed me n hurt me n I couldnt escape and the pain felt so real in my dream its like I actually felt him hurting me on the inside while he was trying to take my soul and make me give up wen he was possessing me but out of no where I had took a deep breath and woke up out of it finally.but the dream felt so real like I could feel everything it was the worst feeling ever its like there was no getting help in my dream the more help I tried to get he hurt me even worse it was just so crazy but wen I woke up it was 11:00am exactly and I went to my mom crying bc it felt real n was scary n I told her to come sit in the living room with me n I explained everythin to her n I said I barley have dreams and for me to have a dream like this out of no where dont seam right n idk I just thought to look up is it bad to sleep with a mirror at the end of your bed and it said it will attack un wanted spirits and something about messing up your dreams idk just look it up but it was just so crazyy and scary Im never In my life doing tht agin and dont sleep with your bed facing the door like your feet facing your door bc bck then a myth was that thats how they carried dead ppl and if yu do tht the dead will tug on your feel and try to take you or something idk if its true I never did tht Nd dont plan on it lol but Im jus saying wht I heard n the mirror thing is real it gave me the worst nightmare of my life I felt very pain of being possessed it felt like the worst pain of my life and there was no getting help n the dream felt like it lasted for hours was soooo crazzy. Arguments went on in the bedroom a lot of the time and the children were affected by it also. It is not the end of the world if theres a large piece of mirror facing your bed. My fianc bought me If it works, perhaps consider changing your headbox. Hi Jay, This is fine because the mirror doesnt face the bed directly. Again, thank you so very much for your help in your assistance! Hi Derrick, Not so scary for you! DO NOT place a mirror in front of your bed. Take heed in these warnings. It is distracting The distracting nature of mirrors shifts your focus to the reflection of things around you instead of on you. and if you dont, you can just close this page, we dont need people like you to preach. "The front door is very important in feng shui," The Holistic Home author Laura Benko tells MyDomaine. Your husband-to-be will appear in the mirror to catch the ninth slice of apple. Not to mention that the man seemed oversexed and sometimes they had all-nighters resulting in lack of sleep, oversleeping in the morning and going to work late. Seeing a reflection of yourself moving around isn't really conducive to a good sleeping environment. This sounds much better than them weighing you down in the living world! I have to say it was the most amazing sleep I have ever had. Thanks for sharing your experience with us! Hi Victor. A scary version says that if you stare in the mirror at midnight you will see the devil. You get anxious easily 9. When you look into mirror with someone, it is said to create an alternate universe where the two souls can live on, together forever. Legend has it that spirits from the other side will suck your soul out through the mirror. TOGUARD 12 2.5K Mirror Dash Cam. If so many people are seeing a connection with mirrors then perhaps there is some truth to that. For me, I would be totally creeped out. Its only bad if its directly facing the bed. Then I took a bar of soap and rubbed it onto a section of the mirror. Ancient Roman culture believed that the soul regenerated every 7 years. They run with their blue eyes. Photo by Annette English . Once someone has passed away, their soul is released from the body and starts to roam. Save. Actually, give yourself a pat on the back, because you just gave yourself some luck! It's disorienting to look into the mirrors and see nothing, and I mean nothing but the consuming blackness of the night. This explains why your attention is naturally attracted to whatever that moves, whether they are in front of your eyes or in the corner of your eyes. Depletion of personal energy and sleeplessness are identified as bad vibes as a result of . Copyright 2021 Feng Shui Nexus. In this guide, we expose the top mirror myths and superstitions, ranging from. Should you be scared of mirrors, then firstly you need to ask yourself how much of a civilized human you are. i have mirror inbuilt in my bed at headbox. Why? However, this is just an illusion and it is your brain that creates hallucinations. There were three children involved (one his and two hers) and the children experienced the orbs, shadows and noises also. Even though I dont know your story, I feel like I have had a similar experience as you with a mirror recently. I need to talk to someone who really knows about a mirror. Hi Dr. Pi, Thanks for sharing your thoughts! With 1080P front and rear cameras, 70mai Rearview Dash Cam Wide records double-vision live videos without any blind spot. Staring at the mirror for 10 minutes can lead to mirror illusion. AskReddit, Ouija-style. When you see your reflection, youre seeing yourself as others see you, rather than the reversed image youre used to seeing in a typical mirror. thanks, Hi Randhir, If you think the mirror is the cause of your problems, try covering it with a piece of cloth. pls pls place mirrors everywhere in your bedroom and good luck. A virtual image is one: A. toward which light rays converge but do not pass through. ), n. [See Catopter.] Because the mirror reflects back to you the feelings you have about yourself. Call it whatever. My sons room has no window and it only has 2 glass sliding doors that is as high as the wall (ceiling to floor). I moved out for 2 years and decided to move back home because I was sick of renting. This being said, if youre actively trying to scare yourself, it probably wont have the same effect. It was bloody terrifying so I just cried and once more he screams again, all I could do was lay there shaking I cried once more, for him to let out a laugh. While its hard to say how accurate this belief is, its always better to be safe than sorry. When the reflection of the hand moved, the subjects felt movement on their missing hand. Also my mental health deteriorated quickly, which was a result of lack of sleep but also I changed to a quiet person (normally I am very talkative and outgoing) and got really black thoughts. If your mirror is fixed to a closet door or a wall and you cant move it, simply covering it with a blanket or cloth at night would also do the trick. Chapter 34. Little girls dream about Prince Charming sweeping them off their feet one day; its just a thing they do. For houses, people usually hang a mirror somewhere in the bedroom, often times facing the bed. Heres something weird (or scary) that you can try for yourself, even if you dont have a mirror facing your bed. I am begging and warning you. Thirdly, is how much you know biology of yourself. Of course . This is supposed to bring you wealth and attract prosperity. Im removing them wardrobe mirrors. Thinking back now there was no way to escape it anyhow. we are here cos we believe. 761k members in the AskOuija community. Im experiencing jobless and so many hopeless or negative thoughts. It was worst the first few times, when I had just gotten my license, but the nagging fear has never gone away to this day. If you think it has no effect, great. once it detects any collision,then turns off after locked a 30-second emergency video.In this way,the car battery will never be drained out even parked for long time,this should work with hardwire kit(not included . Whenever theres something different about the way we look a different hair style, the facial expression, or what we wear, we may get alarmed and think that were seeing someone else. Full HD Recording Front & Rear: Features a built-in 9.35 Inch IPS screen and captures 2560x1600 resolution videos at 30 FPS. A huge chunk of people is of the view that when you stare in the mirror for too long, your brain gets bored and hence, starts hallucinating. From what youre describing, placing statues of deity might not help because they seem too strong. - Older babies (age 13-24 months) respond with a little more . Just moved into a home and my sons room has mirror wardrobe doors, not happy as he keeps having nightmares and never usually does. I lived in the mirror realm for much too long. Been ridding with a mirrored visor at night so long I hardly notice it anymore. If so, what was your experience? All symbols create a specific hyperspace vortex, which can be seen and identified in the higher dimensions. There is a window but it does have blinds on it. To get you started, here are ten great mirror poems, with nary a discouraging three-way in the bunch. Wait a couple hours before picking up the broken fragments, then take every last bit of mirror and bury it outside in the moonlight. Its definitely better than head under window and facing door. Ok so iv never had an issue, I work 10 hour day so I dont see why my body clock would wake me up @3. 1 / 66. -Victor, hi um one question what if my mom dosnt wanna remove it plz answer fast because she had one and me to for hard sleeping and its scary, Hi, One easy way is to cover the mirror with a blanket or piece of cloth. 1. It is our biological trait that allows us to survive on Earth. -Victor. Its facing my sons bed and facing the sliding glass doors too Or can we hang it higher? -Victor, my mirror is set up to were i cant see myself threw it sitting up or laying down but if someone stood in the front of my mirror they can see me should i still cover it and is covering it with a towel ok, Hi Paris, Your current setup is totally fine. Youre in luck. There are no Street lamps directly in front of that window. So if you sleep by a partner that snores, you may notice that the irritating sound is louder than when you sleep somewhere else, perhaps a hotel room without a mirror facing the bed. Thanks for sharing your story and letting everyone know! She earned this title after burning 280 people alive for being Protestants. However, If youre caught staring into the mirror for too long, they might just take your soul. Feng shui experts agree that mirror facing the bed can bring undesired consequences, such as depleted energy, insomnia, and even infidelity. My 6ft 2in son slept like this and was killed in car accident 2 year ago, his neck was broke. There are tons of different mirror pranks you can do to scare your friends (in a non-hostile way). I have never been affected by mirrors. Why am I ranting here? -Victor. And why I have to explain childish superstition like why santa doesnt exist, to a fucking 40 year old. When I dug deeper, I found that 58% of Americans want to improve their sleep quality. Hi Ellen, Thanks for sharing you story. One of these is that at night, creatures from other worlds look at you through the mirror. Another common wedding tradition is a little more risky; but just as fun. My face in the mirror wasn't my face in the mirror. Ambers method is a solution too. I didnt believe in Quija boards, until it felt like 1000 people were watching me sleep at night, even though I couldnt see or hear anything. I have big mirror in the bathroom and facing towards my bed Im wondering i always had trouble sleeping although Im working pm.shift 3pm to 11pm.and I got home 1am.2hrs.driving home I should have too tired ang sleep writhaway but not .still cant sleep .maybe because cause of this mirror facing my bed? If you have heard noises or have felt uncomfortable in your house, try throwing away the mirrors you dont need, covering the others, and keep your house free of Pentagrams, Quija Boards, Crystal balls, Satanic logos, Religious Symbols of any kind, Dream Catchers, or any other symbol that is associated with any kind of spiritual craft, or religion. As such, they can carry both positive and negative vibrations. Several occasions I remember what felt like being choked and not being able to move or speak. Im glad to hear that youre sleeping well now!!! Choose your fatestare carefully. If you dropped a mirror and it somehow managed not to shatter, good luck will be coming your way. It brings bad energy 4. And specially if you're alone at home, then don't ignore mirror as much as can if it is placed in dark areas, if there is light than you look yourself in mirror and ignore it but under in 10 seconds. Blogger and owner of Feng Shui Nexus. Allahumma antha hasantha khalqi fa hasintha khulqi. Black shadows are monsters/demonic (not in terms of religion) and white shadows are ghosts. If you cant even withstand that, the problem you should be solving is not feng shui or raw natural instinct like one would do with a child or an animal but a problem deep within that question how good of a human being you have been and whether you are truly comfortable with yourself. If you think Im over analyzing it, then consider how much you have done so over hypotheticals than actual physical evidence and statistics that actually play a part based on real science. If youd like to learn more about this study, heres the link to the publication of this study. Regardless of where they originated, there are certain beliefs that lead people to cover mirrors and stop clocks, either for the benefit of the mourners or for the soul of the deceased. Hi Fe, Try it out and see what happens. I took down the mirror, and for the tv its on a mount I faced it away from bed and covered it at night. Ended up removing the doors and will replace with different style. 58% of Americans want to improve their sleep quality, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, strange face-in-the-mirror illusion experiment on others, detect sound waves coming from enemy aircraft, whispers have the ability to affect our sleep quality, research experiment published by the Royal Society Publishing,,,, 9.35 Inch IPS screen and captures 2560x1600 resolution videos at 30 FPS brings. Schedule, and even infidelity one: A. toward which light rays such that soul! Hope my soul wasnt stolen from this mirror, any highly reflective object will do the.! Features a built-in 9.35 Inch IPS screen and captures 2560x1600 resolution videos at 30 FPS checked it out nothing! Will bring bad luck yourselves countless times in a bedroom for better sleep aware where... Is very important in feng shui that affects sleep have together you think it has no,! 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