Other companies that were part of the conglomerate include Bayer, Hoechst and BASF. please send an e-mail for receiving the English newsletter Keycode BAYER free of charge. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. 08/19/2011. Nazi psychiatrists first began testing chemicals on inmates in the name of mental hygiene. Thirteen defendants were found guilty,[69] with sentences ranging from 18 months to eight years. Farben put Hitler over the top in Germany as head of State, and the war was designed to lead to a united Europe that would be dominated by the Farben nexus. (In 2010, Forbes debunked here the notion that Epstein was a billionaire and said he was likely worth a fraction of that.). "[43], By 1943 IG Farben was manufacturing products worth three billion marks in 334 facilities in occupied Europe; almost half its workforce of 330,000 men and women consisted of slave labour or conscripts, including 30,000 Auschwitz prisoners. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. [2] In 1945, according to Raymond G. Stokes, it manufactured all the synthetic rubber and methanol in Germany, 90 percent of its plastic and "organic intermediates", 84 percent of its explosives, 75 percent of its nitrogen and solvents, around 50 percent of its pharmaceuticals, and around 33 percent of its synthetic fuel. IG Farben is infamous for it's mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. We address some of the world's most pressing global challenges and continue to develop new solutions. [30] The designation was used as the title of an East German film, The Council of the Gods (1950). Documents show that in 1942 IG Farbens branch office in Uerdingen, Germany occupies what had been the towns Jewish cemetery. [65], In the Western occupation zone, the idea of destroying the company was abandoned as the policy of denazification evolved,[10] in part because of a need for industry to support reconstruction, and in part because of the company's entanglement with American companies, notably the successors of Standard Oil. Built from 1928 to 1930 by architect Hans Poelzig, it was designed as the headquarters for IG Farben, a giant German chemical conglomerate that was the fourth-largest company in the world at the . He helped Dr Mengele to conduct genetic experiments, usually on children, and also selected thousands of prisoners at the huge death camp, choosing those who might be useful and sending the rest to an immediate death with a flick of his finger. His grave in Krefeld has a meter-high wreath on it donated by BAYER in recognition of his services. Reuters found no publicly available evidence linking Moderna to Epstein nor to any of his firms: Financial Trust Company, founded in 1988, previously J. Epstein & Company here and Southern Trust, founded in 2012 here . IG Farben scientists made fundamental contributions to all areas of chemistry. Farben Hell's Cartel was THE pivotal company without whom Hitler could not have implemented his industrialized "scientific" Holocaust. [44], Staff of the Bayer group at IG Farben conducted medical experiments on concentration-camp inmates at Auschwitz and at the Mauthausen concentration camp. Price as of February 24, 2023, 4:00 p.m. [27] The two alliances were loosely connected with each other through an agreement between BASF and Hoechst to jointly exploit the patent on the Heumann-Pfleger indigo synthesis. The French followed suit in the areas they controlled. Farbenindustrie and the Control Thereof", formalized the seizure for "knowingly and prominently building up and maintaining German war potential". Of IG Farben, the Holocaust Research Project states: "IG Farben was a German Limited Company that was a conglomerate of eight leading German chemical manufacturers, including Bayer, Hoechst and BASF, which at the time were the largest chemical firms in existence. This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Eyewitness testimonies held in the Auschwitz camp archive claim the doctor who force-fed her pills worked for the pharmaceutical company Bayer when it was part of the IG Farben conglomerate. Saved by a Russian doctor who evacuated her to Dachau, she recovered and eventually settled in Scotland. Peter Hayes writes that the board did not meet after 1940, and that although Mann "continued to review the monthly sales figures for Degesch, he could not necessarily have inferred from them the uses to which the Auschwitz camp was putting the product". In 1939 a "Drug Trust" alliance was formed by the Rockefeller empire and the German chemical company IG Farben (Bayer). His role in Moderna is where he made his fortune and established his connections. When I first traveled to meet her in July 2002, she was angry that she had been ignored for so long by the authorities managing the compensation fund set up by German industry and the German government. False. [5] Several IG Farben scientists were awarded a Nobel Prize. [47] A Bayer employee wrote to Rudolf Hss, the Auschwitz commandant: "The transport of 150 women arrived in good condition. [a], IG Farben was once the largest company in Europe and the largest chemical and pharmaceutical company in the world. Bill Gates like famously went to and dropped out of Harvard. Until today Bayer, BASF and Hoechst did not pay any wages to their former workers. Exactly how much money Epstein had and how he acquired his wealth remain subjects of some mystery, but he was not the "primary stockholder" of Moderna, and he was already worth a reputed nine figures well before the 2010 founding of that company. [4] IG Farben scientists made fundamental contributions to all areas of chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry. Eventually the Western powers and West Germans agreed to divide IG Farben into just three independent units: Hoechst, Bayer, and BASF (the first two being refounded in 1951; BASF in 1952). I was just one of thousands of children treated in this way. IG Farben used slave labor from the Monowitz camp and IBM's technology to keep track of them. The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal sentenced him to seven years in prison. He was involved in the testing of experimental vaccines and medicines on inmates and after the war he was executed for administering fatal injections. This gave Farben the opportunity to identify people with certain skills, primarily skills needed for the construction of certain buildings in Monowitz." . On paper everything was legally correct: Julius Israel Kohn from the Association of Jews in the German Reich and Bernhard Hoffmann, the representative of IG Farben, signed the sales agreement in a notarys office, and the copy of this seemingly standard real estate transaction has a stamp from the Krefeld tax office. [8] A decade later, it was a Nazi Party donor and, after the Nazi takeover of Germany in 1933, a major government contractor, providing significant material for the German war effort. Moderna was started in Cambridge, MA by venture capitalists. In mid-2020, the American biotechnology company Moderna received prominent news coverage about their efforts to develop a vaccine to deal with the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. As of 2012[update] it still existed as a corporation in liquidation.[90]. Pharmaceuticals. Allied Control Council. The claim falsely alleges that Anthony Fauci was the first CEO of Moderna when he was a young graduate from Cornell. [87] Its stock (denominated in Reichsmarks) traded on German markets until early 2012. Throughout that decade it purged itself of its Jewish employees; the remainder left in 1938. [89] Each year, the company's annual meeting in Frankfurt was the site of demonstrations by hundreds of protesters. [26][pageneeded], Hoechst and several pharmaceutical firms refused to join. In 1908 Hoechst and Cassella acquired 88 percent of the shares of Chemische Fabrik Kalle. 52", 2 July 1945, which allowed the US to disperse "ownership and control of such of the plants and equipment seized under this order as have not been transferred or destroyed". IG Farben is the company said to be supporting German terror activities and research of uranium ores in Brazil after World War II in, IG Farben is the name of the arms dealer played by, The company also plays a prominent role in, IG Farben is the German consortium that buys Du Pont in the. The Nazi chemicals giant IG Farben used forced labor and made poison gas. IG Farben, in full Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, (German: "Syndicate of Dyestuff-Industry Corporations"), world's largest chemical concern, or cartel, from its founding in Germany in 1925 until its dissolution by the Allies after World War II. (Excerpt from I.G. Although there was some cooperation between the technical staff in production and accounting, there was little cooperation between the firms in other areas. Fauci has been the director of NIAID since 1984, while ModeRNA Therapeutics was not founded until 2010. Tens of thousands of users are sharing a series of claims that link Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros and Jeffrey Epstein to Moderna, one of the leading contenders in the race to develop a coronavirus vaccine. One of the main financial backers of Moderna. IG Farben's main component companies, at the outbreak of World War 2, were Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst. And who was the primary stockholder of Moderna until his death? The minutes of a meeting of the Commercial Committee on 10 September 1937 noted: It is generally agreed that under no circumstances should anybody be assigned to our agencies abroad who is not a member of the German Labor Front and whose positive attitude towards the new era has not been established beyond any doubt. Of the 50 typhoid sufferers given 3852, 15 died; 40 of the 75 tuberculosis patients given Rutenol died. IG Farben's main component companies, at the outbreak of World War 2, were Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst. Du Bois, Josiah Ellis; Johnson, Edward (1953). I can usually hide what I'm thinking just by not going out in public. Omissions? Read more about the companys history ( here ). So it is no wonder that unexperienced reader finds today lots of surprises in hidden parts of IG Farben history. [citation needed], Although IG Farben was officially put into liquidation in 1952, this did not end the company's legal existence. The Hidden History of Bayer: IG Farben, Standard Oil, Wall Street, Nazi Germany (Video) March 29, 2016 Big Pharma. Alternate titles: Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft. Not the SS but the IG took the initiative for the concentration camp experiments.. The whole thing smells like a Greta Thunberg Jim Jones cult. The allegations presented in social media posts are unfounded. We would kindly request that you send us another group of women to the same number and at the same price. Instead, Hoechst and Cassella made an alliance based on mutual equity stakes in 1904. Farben and Krupp trials", "Elimination of German Resources for War", "Die Entflechtung der I.G. SAME Chinese Company making the Canadian Vaccine! 10, October 1946 April 1949", "Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals. A decisive fact is that IG employee SS major Dr. med. At the same time as Dr. Joseph Mengele, experimented in Auschwitz with medications that were designated B-1012, B-1034, 3382 or Rutenol. At the same time the former culprits are publicly honored in Uerdingen. Moderna began its late-stage human trials on Monday in collaboration with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Elderly Holocaust survivors, former soldiers and world leaders have gathered in Poland to mark the 60th anniversary: I would like to say to all the people on the Earth: This should never be repeated, ever, said Maj. Anatoly Shapiro, 92, who led the first Soviet troops to enter Auschwitz. Born in Hungary in 1930, Soros and his Jewish family lived in Budapest during the Nazi occupation. Reuters previously debunked a claim regarding this patent here . As many of you heard Moderna is in stage 3 of their vaccine testing. [1] The supervisory board members became widely known as, and were said to call themselves jokingly, the "Council of Gods" (Rat der Gtter). In 1951 the company was split into its original constituent companies. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/IG-Farben. [citation needed] In January 1955 the Allied High Commission issued the I.G. Joined supervisory boards of Sddeutsche Kalkstickstoff-Werke AG Trostberg and Rheinauer Holzhydrolyse-GmbH, Mannheim. [12][45] They were chemical and drug companies. The loss of the war didn't derail that plan. After the war several company officials were convicted of war crimes (nine being found guilty of plunder and spoliation of property in occupied territory and four being found guilty of imposing slave labour and inhumane treatment on civilians and prisoners of war). Farbenindustrie AG, var en tysk kemi- och lkemedelskoncern.IG Farben med huvudkontor i Frankfurt am Main blev vrldens strsta kemikoncern efter bildandet 1925. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. During a trip to the United States in the spring of 1903, he had visited several of the large American trusts such as Standard Oil, U.S. Steel, International Paper and Alcoa. IG, lit. In a joint appeal the coalition demands that there has to be an appropriate compensation by the companies for slave-workers and their descendants. A text version featuring these claims is visible here . The biotech made history by beginning a Phase 1 study of the vaccine within 63 days of receiving the new. IG Farben's next racket - vitamin over-regulation "In 1942, the deaths of six million Jews were sealed with the decisions made at the Wannsee Conference. Fritz Bauer Institute. Hayes writes that the inmates of Auschwitz III, which supplied the slave labour for IG Farben, were well aware of the gas chambers, in part because of the stench from the Auschwitz II crematoria, and in part because IG Farben supervisors in the camp spoke about the gassings, including using the threat of them to make the inmates work harder. Snopes and the Snopes.com logo are registered service marks of Snopes.com. Farbenindustrie A.G. und die Grndung der Nachfolgegesellschaften", "The pharmaceutical industry and the German National Socialist Regime: I.G. Why does Moderna (IG Farben) want to put antifreeze in our veins? As Hoechst, Cassella and Kalle were connected by mutual equity shares and were located close to each other in the Frankfurt area, this allowed them to cooperate more successfully than the Dreibund, although they also did not rationalize or consolidate their production facilities.[29]. I saw this in a Facebook post- This conspiracy theory has everything. Moderna raised even more the next year. Tel: (+49) 211-333 911 The patients were suffering from, and in many cases had been deliberately infected with, typhoid, tuberculosis, diphtheria and other diseases, then were given preparations named Rutenol, Periston, B-1012, B-1034, B-1036, 3582 and P-111. Fritz ter Meer served on the IG Farben board of directors from 1926 to 1945 and was the head officer directing the operations of the IG Farben factory at Auschwitz. The judges ruled that the prosecution had not shown that the defendants or executive board "had any persuasive influence on the management policies of Degesch or any significant knowledge as to the uses to which its production was being put". In France tablissements Poulenc Frres and Socit Chimique des Usines du Rhne merged to form Rhne-Poulenc in 1928. The purpose of a corporation's continuing existence, being "in liquidation", is to ensure an orderly wind-down of its affairs. The victorious Allied powers seized IG Farben's surviving assets and split the firm up into smaller constituent companies. Moderna, Inc is a biotech company ( www.modernatx.com/ ) that has received nearly $1 billion from the U.S. government to develop its coronavirus vaccine. You are being conditioned and controlled. But Zoe refused to die. The IG Farben plant's workforce consisted of slave labour from Auschwitz, leased to the company by the SS for a low daily rate. IG Farben sloen lku dle upravovali, nebo s vsledkem samozejm nebyli spokojeni. Farbenindustrie AG in Liquidation).[67]. IG Farben - the Monsanto of World War II. Below is an excerpt from a BBC documentary about an Auschwitz survivor who for years tried to get compensation from the pharmaceutical giant that carried out medical experiments on her. Head of pharmaceutical sales for the Bayer. "Kontrollratsgesetz Nr. IG Farben is infamous for it's mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions. One ton of Zyklon B was enough to kill around 312,500 people. Nor did he patent RFID and that patent number isn't for RFID technology at all. [31] The IG Farben Building, headquarters for the conglomerate in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, was completed in 1931. In terms of vertical organization, the companys production was split among three technical commissions, each governing a different range of products. "IG Farben-Haus, Geschichte und Gegenwart" (in German). Held from 1947 to 1948 as one of the subsequent Nuremberg trials, the IG Farben trial saw 23 IG Farben directors tried for war crimes and 13 convicted. Neither were production or distribution facilities consolidated nor did the commercial staff cooperate. The IG Farben culture continues to drive the chemical-pharmaceutical industry. The text linking Moderna with all of these public figures and implying they were involved in some nebulous but nefarious plot appeared to have been a completely tongue-in-cheek spoof of groundless conspiracy theories, but many readers who skimmed it at least wondered if it might have at least some substance to it: As many of you heard Moderna is in stage 3 of their vaccine testing. [61] Wurster became chair of the IG Farben board, helped to reestablish BASF as a separate company, and became an honorary professor at the University of Heidelberg. Moderna was the first drug developer to pull the trigger on a coronavirus vaccine. The posts falsely claim that late disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein was one of Modernas primary stockholders until 2019, when he was found unconscious in a Manhattan jail cell with injuries to his neck while facing charges of sex trafficking involving dozens of underage girls ( here ). [14] IG Farben executives did visit Auschwitz but not Auschwitz II-Birkenau, where the gas chambers were located. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. We will keep you informed of the developments regarding the experiments () , The experiments were performed. The claim falsely alleges that George Soros ran German conglomerate IG Farben, broke it up and then founded Moderna. This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 11:36. The movement toward association had begun in 1904, with the merger of Hoechst and Cassellaa merger that immediately prompted a rival merger by BASF and Bayer, later joined by Agfa. [ Dr. Matthias Rath heads a research development institute in nutritional and Cellular Medicine conducting basic research and clinical studies to scientifically document the health benefits of micronutrients in fighting a multitude of diseases. After Germany fell, IG Farben was dissolved and its assets sold off by a Nazi turned American by the name of, you guessed it, George Soros. [34], Throughout the 1930s the company underwent a process of Aryanization, and by 1938 Jewish employees had been dismissed and the Jews on the board had resigned. In 1978 Joseph Borkin, who investigated the company as a United States Justice Department lawyer, quoted an American report: "Without I.G. In September 1944 Fritz ter Meer, a member of IG Farben's supervisory board and future chair of Bayer's board of directors, and Ernst Struss, secretary of the company's managing board, are said to have made plans to destroy company files in Frankfurt in the event of an American invasion. The idea was that the inmates would be shaved and showered while their clothes were being fumigated. After the war, Zoe married and settled in Scotland. People want the truth, despite the mad censorship by Big Tech. Corrections? "[48], Between 1942 and 1945 a cyanide-based pesticide, Zyklon B, was used to kill over one million people, mostly Jews, in gas chambers in Europe, including in the Auschwitz II and Majdanek extermination camps in German-occupied Poland. In 2004 the University of Frankfurt, housed in the former IG Farben head office, set up a permanent exhibition on campus, the Norbert Wollheim memorial, for the slave labourers and those killed by Zyklon B. "the planning, preparation, initiation, and waging of wars of aggression and invasions of other countries; "committing war crimes and crimes against humanity through the plunder and spoliation of public and private property in countries and territories that came under German occupation; "committing war crimes and crimes against humanity through participating in the enslavement and deportation for slave labor of civilians from German-occupied territories and of German nationals; "participation in a common plan or conspiracy to commit crimes against peace". Moderna, Inc., a biotechnology company, discovers, develops, and commercializes messenger RNA therapeutics and vaccines for the treatment of infectious diseases, immuno-oncology, rare diseases,. Except, world governments are not giving you permission to refuse to join the cult. [56] The general manager of Degesch is said to have learned about the gassings from Kurt Gerstein of the SS. Moderna Inc. has no link to IG Farben No, Massachusetts-based biotech company Moderna Inc. does not trace its lineage to Germany. [9] Described as "the most notorious German industrial concern during the Third Reich"[10] in the 1940s the company relied on slave labour from concentration camps, including 30,000 from Auschwitz,[11] and was involved in medical experiments on inmates at both Auschwitz and the Mauthausen concentration camp. Now living in Dundee, she tells her story in a BBC documentary. Soros is from Hungary and was a teenager when IG Farben was disbanded so Moderna owners are public and Epstein wasn't one of them. The forced sale price was way below the actual market value: 100,000 square meter property for 3,000 Reichsmark. Despite their macerated condition they were considered satisfactory. Fauci also graduated from Cornell University Medical College in 1966 and therefore could not possibly have been college roommates with technology mogul Bill Gates, who attended Harvard College for a few years in the mid-1970s. Ghislaine Maxwell finds herself in more trouble in New York and she has this issue in common with Lisa Marie Presley. [22], With the world market for synthetic dyes and other chemical products dominated by the German industry, German firms competed vigorously for market shares. [54] Hrlein became chair of Bayer's supervisory board. [39], Company executives said after the war that they had not known what was happening inside the camps. October 5, 2022. ilbusca via Getty Images. Many of the medications caused the victims to vomit or have bloody diarrhoea. The companys contribution to this fund amounted to more than 40m.. The population is constantly growing and its age is increasing. IG Farben is a name you should know from your trips to the Holocaust museum. Auschwitz was the largest mass extermination factory in human history. Now you have the chance to watch the entire film here on StopWorldControl.com. Prior to the First World War these firms had established a community of . [62] Drrfeld was sentenced to eight years, but had his sentence commuted to time served in 1951 by John McCloy, the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, under massive political pressure, after which he joined the management or supervisory boards of several chemical companies. Weiler Ter Meer[1]it was seized by the Allies after World War II and divided back into its constituent companies. Hans Frankenthal, former slave worker in IG Farbens plant in Auschwitz and board member of the Jewish Community: I was terrified when I learned from this offence against Jewish belief. (This latter group was called the Dreibund, or Triple Confederation.) In 1916, at the height of World War I, the rival groups joined forces and, with the addition of other firms, formed the Interessengemeinschaft der Deutschen Teerfarbenfabriken (Syndicate of German Coal-Tar Dye Manufacturers). The indictment was filed on 3 May 1947; the trial lasted from 27 August 1947 until 30 July 1948. Similar mergers took place in other countries. All defendants who were sentenced to prison received early release. IG Farben's products included synthetic dyes, nitrile rubber, polyurethane, prontosil, and chloroquine. Unethical human experiments are a major threat to vulnerable populations everywhere including in the US where, for example, the EPA is seeking to conduct pesticide exposure experiments on children. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. Modern day pharmas mirror IG Farben by torturing animals and human prisoners with petrochemical psych drugs. They let the SS deal with the shall I say dirty work in the concentration camps. [217] Bayer head Carl Duisberg personally propagated the concept of forced labour during WW1. An indictment was filed on May 3 naming twenty-four defendants, all in the IG Farben industrial concern, and listing five counts: the planning, preparation . Now suffering from cancer, she is a remarkably cheerful woman whose home in a quiet suburb is punctuated with laughter from her jokes and tears from her memories. German/Italian/French/Spanish newsletters also available. If the pharmaceutical cartel succeeds with its cruel schemes today, the upcoming June Codex Alimentarius conference will foreordain the death of millions. Altogether its annual net profit was around 500 million (equivalent to 2 billion 2021 euros). As almost all its assets and all its activities had been transferred to the original constituent companies, IG Farben was from 1952 largely a shell company with no real activity. (Cassella at first held out and was not absorbed by IG Farben until 1937.). Jmno zskala z nmeckho Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG (Zjmov skupina prmyslu barev). Over time, Farben morphed into other companies, some named belowbut their mission is still the same - EXTERMINATION, DEPOPULATION, CULLING HUMANITY. IG Farben was founded in December 1925 as a merger of six companies: BASF (27.4 percent of equity capital); Bayer (27.4 percent); Hoechst, including Cassella and Chemische Fabrik Kalle (27.4 percent); Agfa (9 percent); Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron (6.9 percent); and Chemische Fabrik vorm. Zoe Polanska Palmer never imagined she would survive Dr Mengeles experiments in Auschwitz. During World War II, Bayer was part of a consortium called IG Farben that made the Zyklon B pesticide used in Adolf Hitler's gas chambers. [24] In contrast, the chairman of Bayer, Carl Duisberg, argued for a merger. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben," the conspiracy further states. [16] By 1951, however, all of them were released from prison early after the U.S. military instituted good time credits in its war crime program. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. They were chemical and drug companies. The judges were Curtis Grover Shake (presiding), James Morris, Paul M. Hebert, and Clarence F. Merrell as an alternate judge. In October 1904 an Interessen-Gemeinschaft between Bayer, BASF and Agfa was formed, also known as the Dreibund or little IG. The Company's remaining assets are marketable securities and . IG Farben was the only German company in the Third Reich that ran its own concentration camp. [51], Peter Hayes compiled the following table showing the increase in Zyklon B ordered by Auschwitz (figures with an asterisk are incomplete). IG Farben, Interessengemeinschaft der deutschen Teerfarbenindustrie (Tyska tjrfrgsindustrins intressegemenskap) och frn 1925 I.G. Faucsist, Gates, Soros, Epstein, Moderna, IG Farben(who made the gas that the Na The SS physician Dr. Hoven testified to this during the Nuremberg Trial: It should be generally known, and especially in German scientific circles, that the SS did not have notable scientists at its disposal. [7], IG Farben has been described as "the most notorious German industrial concern during the Third Reich". [63], The Americans seized the company's property under "General Order No.
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