[134] Kenyatta began giving anti-colonial lectures across Britain for groups like the IASB, the Workers' Educational Association, Indian National Congress of Great Britain, and the League of Coloured Peoples. [335] The government encouraged the use of Swahili as a national language, although English remained the main medium for parliamentary debates and the language of instruction in schools and universities. As Prime Minister, he oversaw the transition of the Kenya Colony into an independent republic, of which he became president in 1964. He later noted that this was despite the fact his case was one of the strongest he had ever presented during his career. [183] In January 1952, KAU members formed a secret Central Committee devoted to direct action, formulated along a cell structure. [84] The meeting ended without compromise, and John Arthurthe head of the Church of Scotland in Kenyalater expelled Kenyatta from the church, citing what he deemed dishonesty during the debate. "[203] Despite Kenyatta's vocal opposition to the Mau Mau, KAU had moved towards a position of greater militancy. By 1959, the Mau Mau had killed around 1,880 people. [72] In January, Kenyatta met with Drummond Shiels, the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, at the House of Commons. [489] He also faced a contradiction between his internal debates on Kikuyu ethics and belief in tribal identity with his need to create a non-tribalised Kenyan nationalism. The current first family is made up of Uhuru Kenyatta, Margaret Kenyatta and their three children, Ngina, Jomo and Jaba Kenyatta. [28] At the time, the British Empire was engaged in the First World War, and the British Army had recruited many Kikuyu. In photos that were later shared online, Jomo is seen standing next to Mr Odinga who appears to be having a swollen lip and a . He reassured them that they would be safe and welcome in an independent Kenya, and more broadly talked of forgiving and forgetting the conflicts of the past. [222], Kenyatta and the others were returned to Lokitaung, where they resided on remand while awaiting the results of the appeal process. [369] To ease this transition, Kenyatta made Bruce McKenzie, a white farmer, the Minister of Agriculture and Land. In this position, he was tasked with fetching the company wages from a bank in Nairobi, 25 miles (40km) away. [304] Despite his attempts at wooing white support, he did not do the same with the Indian minority. Both the KCA and the Kikuyu Association opposed these Land Boards, which treated Kikuyu land as collectively-owned rather than recognising individual Kikuyu land ownership. ", After the United Kingdom entered World War II in September 1939, Kenyatta and Stock moved to the Sussex village of Storrington. [130] Appearing in the film also allowed him to meet and befriend its star, the African-American Paul Robeson. [255] KANU then declared that it would refuse to take part in any government unless Kenyatta was freed. Educated at a mission school, he worked in various jobs before becoming politically engaged through the Kikuyu Central Association. [54] In February 1928, he was part of a KCA party that visited Government House in Nairobi to give evidence in front of the Hilton Young Commission, which was then considering a federation between Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika. [113] In doing so he was virtually alone among political Kenyans; figures like Thuku and Jesse Kariuki were far more moderate in their demands. [409], Kenyatta made clear his desire for Kenya to become a one-party state, regarding this as a better expression of national unity than a multi-party system. [71], Kenyatta developed contacts with radicals to the left of the Labour Party, including several communists. [285] The new constitution divided Kenya into six regions, each with a regional assembly, but also featured a strong central government and both an upper and a lower house. [539] He came to be regarded as a father figure not only by Kikuyu and Kenyans, but by Africans more widely. [221] It appropriated his land at Gatundu and demolished his house. He is considered the founding father of the Kenyan nation. She bore Kenyatta four children: Wambui (born 1953), Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta (born 1961), Anna Nyokabi Muthama Kenyatta (born May 1963) Muhoho Kenyatta (born 1965). [558] Drawing upon Marxist theory, Jay O'Brien, for instance, argued that Kenyatta had come to power "as a representative of a would-be bourgeoisie", a coalition of "relatively privileged petty bourgeois African elements" who wanted simply to replace the British colonialists and "Asian commercial bourgeoisie" with themselves. [167] Much of the debate that took place centred on whether indigenous Africans should continue pursuing a gradual campaign for independence or whether they should seek the military overthrow of the European imperialists. [96] Before the end of the year, the duo relocated to Moscow, where Kenyatta studied at the Communist University of the Toilers of the East. [550], During much of his life, Kenya's white settlers had regarded Kenyatta as a malcontent and an agitator;[551] for them, he was a figure of hatred and fear. [105] Both Padmore and Kenyatta left the Soviet Union, the latter returning to London in August 1933. [306] Kenyatta condemned the assassination of the prominent leftist politician, although UK intelligence agencies believed that his own bodyguard had orchestrated the murder. ", Kenyatta biographer Jeremy Murray-Brown[297], Kenyatta was a flamboyant character,[504] with an extroverted personality. Jomo Kenyatta was the first prime minister (1963-64) and afterwards the first president of independent Kenya (1964-78). [11] Wambui bore her new husband a son, whom they also named Muigai. In 1919, Jomo Kenyatta met and married his first wife Grace Wahu, according to Kikuyu tradition. He has two sisters siblings Soiya Gecaga, . [410] In the first five years of independence, he consolidated control of the central government,[411] removing the autonomy of Kenya's provinces to prevent the entrenchment of ethnic power bases. [215] The trial lasted five months: Rawson Macharia, the main prosecution witness, turned out to have perjured himself; the judge had only recently been awarded an unusually large pension and maintained secret contact with the then colonial Governor Evelyn Baring. [114] The pro-independence sentiments that he was able to express in Britain would not have been permitted in Kenya itself. During the 1930s, he studied at Moscow's Communist University of the Toilers of the East, University College London, and the London School of Economics. His children included President Uhuru Kenyatta, by his fourth and youngest wife, Ngina. [65] His landlord subsequently impounded his belongings due to unpaid debt. Jomo Kenyatta died on August 22, 1978, in Mombasa and was buried on August 31 in Nairobi. Get info on Jomo Kenyatta Hill - Flint, Michigan - (810) 336-8411. [188] This was made difficult by the fact that many Maasai and Luotribes traditionally hostile to the Kikuyuregarded him as an advocate of Kikuyu dominance. [342], In contrast to his economic policies, Kenyatta publicly claimed he would create a democratic socialist state with an equitable distribution of economic and social development. "[541] His opinions were "most valued" both by conservative African politicians and by Western leaders. The aged Kenyatta died in office in Nairobi on August 22, 1978. Throughout the 1920s Jomo Kenyatta immersed himself in the movement against a white-settler-dominated Kenyan government. [297] In 1964, Oxford University Press published a collection of Kenyatta's speeches under the title of Harambee!. [109] He also produced an article for a November 1933 issue of Labour Monthly,[110] and in May 1934 had a letter published in The Manchester Guardian. [218] He sentenced them to seven years' hard labour, to be followed by indefinite restriction preventing them from leaving a given area without permission. [400] The historian Poppy Cullen nevertheless noted that there was no "dictatorial neo-colonial control" in Kenyatta's Kenya. Nick Name: Mzee Jomo Kenyatta Also Known As: Kamau wa Muigai Died At Age: 84 Family: Spouse/Ex-: Edna Clarkem. [373] This exacerbated urban unemployment and housing shortages, with squatter settlements and slums growing up and urban crime rates rising. (divorced) (1 child) Grace Wanjiku (? Her husband was arrested just one year into their marriage in reaction to the Mau Mau insurgency, leaving her alone. Kenyatta lacked the qualifications normally required to join the course, but Malinowski was keen to support the participation of indigenous peoples in anthropological research. Jomo Kenyatta's only brother James . [520] Kenyatta had no racist impulses regarding white Europeans, as can, for instance, be seen through his marriage to a white English woman. [452] By 1970, he was increasingly feeble and senile,[453] and by 1975 Kenyatta hadaccording to Maloba"in effect ceased to actively govern". [78] Although Kenyatta enjoyed life in London and feared arrest if he returned home,[79] he sailed back to Mombasa in September 1930. [47] Political upheavals occurred in Kikuyulandthe area inhabited largely by the Kikuyufollowing World War I, among them the campaigns of Harry Thuku and the East African Association, resulting in the government massacre of 21 native protesters in March 1922. Associate Professor of African History, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Find below some of the articles you will find interesting: Kenyatta's son Uhuru later also became president. [232], Kenyatta's imprisonment transformed him into a political martyr for many Kenyans, further enhancing his status. [464] His body was buried in a mausoleum in the grounds of the Parliament Buildings in Nairobi. Kenya's first President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta married four wives, Grace Wahu, Edna Clarke, Grace Wanjiku and Mama Ngina. [223] Pritt pointed out that Thacker had been appointed magistrate for the wrong district, a technicality voiding the whole trial; the Supreme Court of Kenya concurred and Kenyatta and the others were freed in July 1953, only to be immediately re-arrested. What was Jomo Kenyattas domestic policy? Born into the dominant Kikuyu culture, Kenyatta became its most famous interpreter of Kikuyu traditions through his book Facing Mount Kenya.. Born Kamau Wa Muigai at Ng'enda village, Gatundu Division, Kiambu to Muigai and Wambui, Jomo Kenyatta served as the . The man who won his country's independence. The family has invested in various sectors, including banking with shares in local banks, the oil industry, insurance, hotel and tourism, media, manufacturing, and airline. Jomo Kenyatta, Circa 1894 - 1978. [177] Also read; Below are photos of Ichaweri homestead courtesy of Google Maps and Streetview. Jomo Kenyatta was born Kamau to parents Moigoi and Wamboi "" his father was the chief of a small agricultural village in Gatundu Division, Kiambu District "" one of five administrative districts in the Central Highlands of British East Africa (now Kenya). Let Mau Mau perish forever. B. Assensoh later suggested that the authorities "knew very well" that Kenyatta was not involved in the Mau Mau, but that they were nevertheless committed to silencing his calls for independence. (1942-1946), Grace Wahum. On his release, Kenyatta became President of KANU and led the party to victory in the 1963 general election. ", In November 1909, Kenyatta left home and enrolled as a pupil at the Church of Scotland Mission (CSM) at Thogoto. [227] In 1955, P. de Robeck became the District Officer, after which Kenyatta and the other inmates were treated more leniently. [224], During the appeal process, a prison had been built at Lokitaung, where Kenyatta and the four others were then interned. Kenyatta subsequently visited the Soviet Union (he spent two years at Moscow State University) and traveled extensively through Europe; on his return to England he studied anthropology under Bronisaw Malinowski at the London School of Economics. [177] In May 1947, Koinange moved to England, leaving Kenyatta to take full control of the college. Kenyatta was born to Kikuyu farmers in Kiambu, British East Africa. Updates? [320] Kenyatta became its executive president,[321] combining the roles of head of state and head of government. [314] Similar armed uprisings had taken place that month in neighboring Uganda and Tanganyika. Born into the dominant Kikuyu culture, Kenyatta became its most famous interpreter of Kikuyu traditions through his book Facing Mount Kenya. [509] Referring to Kenyatta's appearance in 1920s Kenya, Murray-Brown stated the leader presented himself to Europeans as "an agreeable if somewhat seedy 'Europeanized' native" and to indigenous Africans as "a sophisticated man-about-town about whose political earnestness they had certain reservations". [35] On 20 November 1920 she gave birth to Kenyatta's son, Peter Muigui. [379] The growth in the public sector contributed to the significant expansion of the indigenous middle class in Kenyatta's Kenya. [246] Kwame Nkrumahwhom Kenyatta had known since the 1940s and who was now President of a newly independent Ghanapersonally raised the issue with British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan and other UK officials,[247] with the Ghanaian government offering Kenyatta asylum in the event of his release. [550] Another significant success had been in dismantling the colonial-era system of racial segregation in schools, public facilities, and social clubs peacefully and with minimal disruption. [127] Kenyatta socialised at the Student Movement House in Russell Square, which he had joined in the spring of 1934,[128] and befriended Africans in the city. [529] While in London, Kenyatta had taken an interest in the atheist speakers at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park,[530] while an Irish Muslim friend had unsuccessfully urged Kenyatta to convert to Islam. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Matthew Patay Family (1) Spouse Ngina Muhoho (1951 - 22 August 1978) (his death) (4 children) Edna Clarke (May 1942 - ?) [326] This contributed to a perception among many Kenyans that independence had simply seen the dominance of a British elite replaced by the dominance of a Kikuyu elite. [469] In October he was unanimously elected KANU President and subsequently declared President of Kenya itself. Magana, 76, lived in the United Kingdom with his mother who died in 1995 at the age of 86. He remained imprisoned at Lokitaung until 1959 and was then exiled to Lodwar until 1961. He studied the Bible, English, mathematics, and carpentry and paid his fees by working as a houseboy and cook for a European settler. [189] He insisted on intertribal representation on the KAU executive and ensured that party business was conducted in Swahili, the lingua franca of indigenous Kenyans. . University College London and the London School of Economics: 19331939, Presidency of the Kenya African Union: 19461952, Domestic influence and posthumous assessment, Last edited on 23 February 2023, at 15:12, Communist University of the Toilers of the East, Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, supported the abolition of this traditional practice, International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers, International African Friends of Abyssinia, Indian National Congress of Great Britain, Industrial and Commercial Development Corporation, a legal change revoked their right to do so, United States Agency for International Development, "Kenyatta Family Seeks Approval To For Its Dream City Outside Nairobi", Africa: Rivista Trimestrale di Studi e Documentazione dell'Istituto Italiano Perl'Africa e l'Oriente, "Funeral Planning: British Involvement in the Funeral of President Jomo Kenyatta", A 1964 newsreel from British Pathe of Kenyatta's swearing in as President of Kenya, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jomo_Kenyatta&oldid=1141137892, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 15:12. [353] To this end it emphasised social welfare schemes over traditional industrial institutions,[353] and in 1965 transformed the Kenya Federation of Labour into the Central Organization of Trade (COT), a body which came under strong government influence. [60] Aware that Thuku had been exiled for his activism, Kenyatta's took a cautious approach to campaigning, and in Mugwithania he expressed support for the churches, district commissioners, and chiefs. (~1889 - 22 August 1978) was the leader of Kenya from independence in 1963 to his death in 1978, serving first as Prime Minister (1963-64) and then as President (1964-78). 400 ] the pro-independence sentiments that he was able to express in Britain would not been! Action, formulated along a cell structure 31 in Nairobi are photos of Ichaweri homestead of. He is considered the founding father of the Labour Party, including several communists then exiled to until... Miles ( 40km ) away Party, including several communists Lodwar until.. 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